There is no denying that white supremacy is an engine of the right.

There are some Republican voters who are sympathetic to their party’s ultranationalist turnand don’t believe the party’s attitudes toward issues such as immigration and crime are the products of racial animus. But over and over again, right-wing leaders and thinkers reveal that white supremacism is an engine of this movement.

The latest example comes via an episode of “The Tucker Carlson Show” released this week, in which the former Fox News host interviews podcast host and newsletter writer Darryl Cooper. Carlson, arguably the most influential right-wing nationalist commentator in America, said Cooper “may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.” But Cooper has made clear that his intellectual project regarding World War II includes Holocaust revisionism.

    11 days ago

    So I said:

    Do you just not know most of the death wasn’t till Nazis understood they were likely going to lose the war?

    And you link about less than a million deaths…

    Do you think 1 out of 17 million is a majority?

    Then there’s a big rant about other stuff you didn’t understand…

    But I won’t get to that, one thing at a time because it’s concerning we’re going in the wrong way.

    6/17 isn’t bigger than half, and 1/17 is a lot less than half, you need the top number to get bigger