• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    The point being that sometimes things that look “clever” if you only look at the obvious primary effects are not at all clever when you also consider secondary effects.

    If only when it comes to “ease of eavesdropping” it might very well be in the best long term interest of the Israeli Security Services that the rest of the World keeps on acquiring Made In Europe and Made In US devices which this action will likely impact (one thing are accusations of “backdoors” in certain devices a whole different thing is seeing on TV a mass attack were a batch of devices all made in a nation allied with Israel contained explosives and that were detonated in all manner of arbitrary places hitting thousands of arbitrary people) and that’s without taking in account the possible impact on Israeli Allies’ exports of electronics given these pagers were specifically manufactured in Hungary (a very strong ally of Israel) by a company licensing the brand name.

    • sailingbythelee@lemmy.world
      9 days ago

      When I say “clever”, I dont necessarily mean it was a good move toward their long-term goals. I mean that it was ingenious and skillfully executed, requiring the coordination of many parts, and displaying deft trade craft.

      Frankly, arguing whether “ethno-fascist Zionists” or “Muslim fundamentalists” are worse is kind of pointless. Neither is high on the list of things I support.

      Most Israelis are not “ethno-fascist Zionists” any more than most Gazans or Lebanese, or even Iranians, are Muslim fundamentalist theocrats. All of those populations are caught in bad situations that were set in motion decades ago. On balance, if forced to choose a side to support, I would support Israel, like most other Westerners. At least they have a functioning democracy and largely adhere to Western values. The Israeli religious right wing is extremely problematic, of course, but it looks to me like they are headed for defeat in the next election. We can’t say the same about Hezbollah or the Iranian theocracy or any of Iran’s other proxies.

      The bottom line is: FUCK ALL RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM. Doesn’t matter whether it is Muslim, Jewish, Christian, or Hindu. They all suck.