Introducing Dungeons of Infinity

A talented individual known as Justin Bohemier has transformed the classic Super Nintendo hit, A Link to the Past, into a procedurally-generated roguelike dungeon crawler. Over four years in development using Gamemaker Studio with the original assets, the game ‘Dungeons of Infinity’ aims to offer a new and challenging experience for fans.

Key Features:

  • Procedural Generation - Each playthrough offers unique layouts, enemies, and items.
  • Link’s Nemesis Aghanim - The ultimate challenge lies in encountering Link’s arch-enemy, Aghanim. Survival depends on navigating the dungeons until reaching this final boss.

The creator emphasizes that no continues or extra lives are available, adding to the game’s difficulty curve.

What do you think about applying roguelike elements to classic games like ‘A Link to the Past’? Have you encountered similar fan projects?

  • Jack
    8 days ago

    Version 1.1.2 Download:

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    Version 1.1.2:

    • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed exploit with final boss where you can access the inventory at the right frame and able to drop items to use during the fight.
    • Fixed glitches with stopwatch and improved certain things.
    • Fixed incorrect sprite frame in Link’s walk cycle while holding an item. This affected some of people’s custom sprites.
    • Fixed sand leevers glitching out in rooms with stairs where they were starting on the upper floor-level, and spawning back on the lower floor-level where Link was, but their internal level was still upper causing link not to be able to hit them. I just removed leevers from rooms that had stairs.
    • Fixed glitch with next level map being shown for 1 frame if you descended with map and/or compass
    • Fixed treasure platforms sometimes causing items to drop next to edges if opening a treasure close to the edge and inv was full. Treasures now always have a larger gap between the edges and treasures.
    • For the hackers who found a way to add the star to the inventory, it now won’t glitch out when using a warp while star is active. Normally stars are only found on the ground, can’t be added to inventory, and wouldn’t spawn if there’s a warp in the room. Stars cancel when exiting rooms so there would usually be no way to go through a warp while star is active so I never bothered to check this. Note: if hacking the game’s variables, it’s very possible you may break the game. Also please don’t submit bug reports if you hack the game and it breaks.
    • Fixed issues with cape and warps. I couldn’t find the bug where after arriving from warp the magic would stop draining, it worked fine for me on all tests. So I decided that when using a warp, you just uncloak automatically. This would prevent any rare bugs.
    • Fixed bug where you can “use” a bomb or gem while holding a bush, then it would pick up the bomb but the bush would stay in the air. I made you absolutely cannot use an item from the inventory that you would pick up if you’re already holding any other item.
    • Fixed bug where if you warped into a room that had a secret door, the pendant of secrets wouldn’t alert you, only if you left the room and came back.
    • Fixed decor like bones covering up spikes, making certain patches hard to see.
    • Improved the issues with pots and switches being unreachable if spikes were in the way. Now spikes won’t generate in a room if it has a key, or pots with door switch, or any switch in general. You may still encounter pots unreachable because of the spikes, but now they wouldn’t contain anything that’s needed to pass the level/room. They would be there if you can use the cape, or don’t mind taking a hit to see what’s inside. The problem was difficult to solve, so this was an easier solutions.
    • Fixed rare glitch where pots could spawn over monuments.
    • Fixed spelling mistake (lens)
    • Other minor fixes


    • Changed the cape behavior, it now decloaks you if you equip any other item
    • Added the ability to reveal vines using arrows, and with your candle/lamp by walking up to them and pressing the action button.
    • Increased chance of finding kinstone monuments by a bit.