• dwalin@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Sure you win. Lets kill all the babies, i’m sure the parents wont become terrorists in the future.

      • dwalin@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        But you said its the only way! Lets kill all the palistinian children! Lets go!

        • Hatsune Miku @lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          noo, i never said all that! that was baro who said no to a ceasefire!

          you wanna hear my solution? :o

          • dwalin@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Sure, please tell me your solution for world peace. Please include an acceptable ratio of dead terrorists to dead children, or else i wont know how to think.

            (I just want you to know that even though i disagree with you i respect you as a human being, and if i’m being too sarcastic i’m sorry)

            • Hatsune Miku @lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              pls don’t make fun of me for my idea, you can make fun of it, but not me! I’m just an idol okay? i sing and dance, i am not a general!!! (;′⌒`)

              Amnesty International, the IDF, the US, the EU and the UN all condemn Hamas for using this particular hospital as a base. There has already been footage of Hamas militants using the Hospital. Back in the 80s, Israel expanded the hospital’s amenities while also constructing an underground complex for the safety of medical staff. It’s unclear how long Hamas has been using it to shelter their forces, the earliest report was in 2008. Here’s proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof, proof,

              but my hatsune miku solution doesn’t really matter whether or not Hamas are indeed there. (even though the IDF bee-lined it to the hospital and all of the above)

              First, the Shifa hospital HAS to be entirely surrounded by Israeli forces.

              That blue is what IDF has claimed. They are currently in the process of fully surrounding the area. that means a lot of airstrikes, a lot of demolition, a lot of fighting until the hospital is entirely surrounded. Then after that, ceasefire, no more shooting unless it’s for self-defence. Shooting the surrounding area of the hospital is prohibited, not allowed.

              Israel has complete domination over the ocean and the beaches. I’d set up a temporary fort on the beach or, if using the Gaza Port, setting up barges. The fort will contain heavy armour, soldiers, protective barriers and surveillance equipment like cameras.

              Then, create a large pile of humanitarian aid—medicine, food, textiles, water, anything that civilians exclusively need. Fuel can only be transferred and escorted by the IDF and watched to see it be used in the hospital’s generators. If those IDF who handle and watch the fuel get killed, then we know Hamas is in the hospital and is stealing it.

              There will be marked safety spots through a designated route leading to the supply cache and fort. Aerial drones and hidden cameras will monitor this designed route at all times. Depending on the logistics, you can even supply soldiers with mounted cameras to verify if they shoot at any civilians or shoot first (some IDF soldiers already have these, but they’re not released yet). There’s also cameras in the distance juuust in case there’s missile strikes, we don’t want a repeat of that first hospital scare where we didn’t know who shot the missile!

              Civilians and personnel must travel the route, either in an IDF transport or on foot, gathering what supplies they can (except fuel; only the IDF may transfer that).

              The idea is that with such constant surveillance, anyone should be able to verify who shoots first. Hamas or Israel. Israel has set up ceasefires before, but every single time Hamas has never honoured them for very long. Check the proofs for that!

              Israel is running out of time with their operations. Remember, they are at war with three separate nations. Logistically and economically, they alone (even with their equipment) cannot last indefinitely. Watch that Northern border with Hezbollah forces! Building these kinds of fortifications and routes takes a lot of time, time which civilians don’t have. So in the meantime, if I was israel, I’d drop supply crates in the hospital courtyard. Israel says they are already trying to supply the hospital, but are facing difficulties with skirmishes surrounding the area.

              Of course this idea is probably awful! i’m an idol, okay? be nice to me!! ;3;

              • dwalin@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                I dont really think thats a long term solution. Plus its very risky. Long queues are prime for atacks and large concentrations os angry, hungry people is just a bad idea.

                You’ll need UN peace keepers around for some years. Palestinians dont really trust idf (understandable). And give back the control of gaza to the legitimate (well, the best we have now) palestinian authority. And start working on a two state solution with real pressure on both sides from the international comunity. Still, it will take decades (see the balkans)

        • CommanderM2192@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          So, you think they are currently radicalized? Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be due to decades of people like yourself influencing their politicians who then further influence the stance of the international community to prevent Israel from putting down terrorist organizations and defending itself?

          If you’re going to be concerned about the future radicalization of the Palestinians but put no thought or consideration into the present day “radicalization” of Israelis, then you need to shut up and stop commenting on this situation. In other words, your bias is clearly showing.

          • dwalin@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            Lol i’m sorry, maybe you didnt understand me.

            They are both radicalized. But only one of them is being bombed to the stone age. If you do not see this litlle detail… Maybe i’m not the only with a bias.

            At least mine is against dead children, what is yours?

            • CommanderM2192@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              Dead children you say? There’s dead children on both sides. Only one side has dead children that are collateral damage. The other side has dead children who are purposefully targeted, molested, tortured, and executed by their opposition’s elected government. If that’s not clear enough for you, then I’ll just plainly say it. Hamas rapes, tortures, and murders children. Israel kills children in airstrikes, and I have seen no reliable evidence or confirmation from third-parties that those children are not the intended target. On the other hand, hundreds of international forensics experts have confirmed the atrocities committed by Hamas.

              Among the seven claims included in the X post, one stands out: No babies were beheaded.

              But decapitated babies were found after the attack, according to both a group of Israeli and international forensic pathologists and Haaretz’s own reporting.

              A group of 200 forensic pathologists, anthropologists, radiologists and other experts from Israel, the U.S, Switzerland, New Zealand and elsewhere gathered at the National Center for Forensic Medicine in Tel Aviv to help identify remains from the Israsel-Hamas war.

              They reported on Oct. 16 that victims of the Hamas attack were executed, bound and burned alive, and others were found decapitated – many of whom were babies. However, they said it was difficult to ascertain whether they were decapitated before or after death.

              I’m against dead children on both sides. But I’m not in any position to actually do anything about it. The harsh reality is that we’re in this mess because people like you put pressure on politicians to act irrationally. For decades, Israel hasn’t been “allowed” to properly deal with terrorist organizations and the Palestinians have not been forced to take reasonable two-state solutions. So that’s lead to their radicalization over time.

              If you truly care like you say you do, then you need to educate yourself. The death will only stop when all major terrorist organizations are slaughtered, Israeli radical groups like Likud are removed from power, and Palestinians forced to accept a two-state solution at any cost. Until the international community steps in to do this, then the death will continue and you will have only yourself to blame.

              • dwalin@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                You cannot “slaughter” a major terrorist organization, you starve it. IRA was not slaughtered, it ceased to exist when a deal was made between the populations.

                Hate only generates hate.

                I’m not against UN forces in gaza, nor denying that there is a problem. But carpet bombing is never a solution.

                Ps: i think you are confused, hamas is not the government of palestine, just gaza (and not really a democracy). And Mahmud abbas already has shown himself open to a two state solution ( https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc15042.doc.htm)

                • CommanderM2192@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  Hate only generates hate.

                  Taking the literal meaning of that, I can agree to a certain extent. But within the context of this conversation, I believe you really mean “Violence only generates hate.” History and I strongly disagree with you there.

                  Germany is one of the closest US allies and arguably the most important leader of the EU today. Part of how they got there was actually due to carpet bombing, interestingly enough.

                  I understand that Hamas is not the government of all of Palestine. But they were still elected. As for Mr. Abbas, you mean the guy who’s a Holocaust denier? The guy who allegedly helped fund the Munich Massacre? That’s the guy Israel should trust to implement a two-state solution?

                  Look dude, the reality is that “worst” case for Hamas, they only have near majority support in Gaza. A not insignificant part of the population wants to murder Israelis. How the fuck do you propose creating peace without massive amounts of violence? There are people who would happily murder a Jew if they had the means. And I don’t mean “means” in the sense that they could get away with it. Whether or not they get away with it in the “mortal” world isn’t of concern to them.

                  So yes, actually. A terrorist organization like Hamas needs to be slaughtered. They aren’t like the IRA fighting for independence. They are literally fighting for the genocide of the Jews according to their founding charter, founders, current leaders, and recruits. That’s an organization that must have its leadership wiped out to the man and closely monitored rehabilitation of members/conscripts at the very least.

                  The greatest flaw of the left is believing that in all cases peace can be achieved without violence. I want that to be the case, but the sad reality is that it’s not always possible. We all have free will. Some people choose to stubbornly cling to violence, and the only solution there is paradoxically more violence.

                  • dwalin@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    Oh, the nazi card… I did nazi that comming…

                    I would suggest to learn more about germany on the post war. It was not the war that ‘removed the nazism’ from them. It was a decade long process, with plenty of educational reforms.

                    If you want to read, i suggest: exorcising hitler

                    And in their eyes, yes, they are fighting for independence just like IRA was. They dehuminized the jews, as you are dehuminizing the palestinian people, and created a anti-semitic cult.

                    Regarding elections: most of the palestinian people were not alive, or voted, when the ‘elections’ happened (2007) as 75% of the population is less than 25.

                    But hey, at least you posted a foto of nazis… Thats something…