• ForgotAboutDre@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Google’s paying for it and Apple’s going to be using jibe.

      It the same shit as Google being the default search on safari and iPhone.

      Data scraping and advertising dollars.

      Google currently has very limited insight about iPhone users messaging habits. iPhone users are using apple’s iMessage, SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, telegram, signal, discord, slack etc. Most of which have limited Google interactions. On Android Google at least gets some info from third party messaging services. Like use time, installation, stored data size etc. On iPhone they can only scrap through search and Gmail.

      Google has been trying to crack the messaging space for a while. They keep dropping messaging apps because they haven’t been able to get the mass adoption. They’ve found their solution with RCS.

      Take a open protocol that no carriers will seriously implement. Adapt it to your needs and restrict acces to it (no third party apps only Google and limited second party like Samsung). Create the implementation (jibe) give it to the carriers. When carriers don’t do it, make a fallback to jibe in the messenger app. Unlike apple, Google messaging service is hard to notice - therefore easier to slip by. RCS messages have small text only at the start and a slightly different shade of blue.

      Once it’s established on Android. Publicly shame apple for not using your open standard, where most messages run through your server. Privately pay them for adoption and ensure it meshes with your version of the open standard. Taking away one of the last reasons the messenger app on android has to avoid Google by default.