• SasquatchBanana@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I don’t know about your experience, but anxiety is something every therapist is trained for. It’s extremely common and there are specific courses and school of thought for it. You can take dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and a lot more. There is help for people with anxiety.

    It’s possible you may not be able to find affordable help. I was in that situation and couldn’t get help for years. All I know is that ignoring doesn’t help in the long run. My therapist taught me that the body remembers, which means the anxiety you feel will build up in the form of body stress and tension.

    I know this post may cause more anxiety but i feel like i needed to make it because i don’t want people with anxiety to feel like they won’t have support to the extent of those with autism. The difference in support isn’t comparable. There are so many more resources for anxiety than autism.