• pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    🤔 I wonder what would happen if someone assassinated Trump right before the election. Neither you nor I would ever do that, but say someone did. What is the protocol?

    Or Biden, for that matter? Or say the Trumptards attacked enough polling places throughout the U.S. to seriously disrupt the election and possibly even completely fuck it up. Is there a legal protocol in place? Any election clerks in the house?

    • Drivebyhaiku@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      Well assassination of a candidate duration an election has some precedent. But it doesn’t happen often for good reason. If you assassinate a political figure you make them essentially a martyr for their campaign or ideals which stops people thinking rationally and doubling down on their emotional reaction to the assassinee’s party or general ideology. People put aside differences to “carry the torch”.

      Honestly killing Trump and pining it on leftist bogeymen would be a move I could see some Republicans doing. They have basically primed their base to accept any shlock they want to pass as news and if they go full authoritarian and get enough support on board to basically ignore democratic checks and balances…

      • pinkdrunkenelephants@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        I really, really think it greatly behooves western states to try to secede from the U.S. next year.

        Like the right wing is completely intractable at this point and compromising with them will only bring suffering so it would benefit the left if California, Oregon, Washington simply left and formed their own country. They have big enough economies where they could do it and survive on their own.