• zeppo@lemmy.world
    10 months ago


    “Migrant border crossings in fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking previous record”

    That’s just the people they stopped. It could also be some people being stopped multiple times.

    “Fact Check: Were There 600,000 Southern U.S. Border ‘Got-Aways’ in 2022?” https://www.newsweek.com/southern-us-border-migrants-gotaways-2022-1770201

    Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) tweeted on December 27: “[…] Border Patrol counts more than 600,000 got-aways this year alone.”

    Official data for “got-aways” in the 2022 fiscal year is yet to be released by the Department for Homeland Security (DHS), but Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed to Newsweek the accuracy of the figure in Kennedy’s tweet. “Got aways are defined as subjects at the Southwest Border who, after making an unlawful entry, are not turned back or apprehended, and are no longer being actively pursued by USBP agents,” states the DHS Border Security Metrics Report: 2021.

    So that’s people they tried to stop and gave up.

    Note this doesn’t mean that the total number increases each year, as some people go back and don’t return, and others go back and forth.