Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

  • 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Usually, even with salaried positions, you’re taking about a 40 hour week-ish. If it gets a lot more than that, it’s bad management, though there will be spikes and lulls.

    Most companies with unlimited PTO have some guidelines. Like at mine, once you hit 160 hours (4 weeks) there’s another level of approval. So you can guess that four weeks is easy, more gets more scrutiny, but certainly isn’t impossible.

    Every company is different. These are very reasonable questions to ask your manager. “Hey, I just wanted to make sure I understand expectations about…”

  • I’m with you. Trump disgusts me more than any human being alive, but I wish we could keep the complaints to the things that actually matter. I don’t care about his odd use of bronzer, his hair, the size of his hands, what he eats, how much profanity he uses in private meetings, or any of that crap. I care that he will 100% put making a buck over the good of the country, doesn’t think laws apply to him, is a racist and a misogynist, and stuff that actually matters for the head of a world power.

  • I used to fly on the company helicopter pretty regularly. It would go around to the different sites in the broader area, picking up and dropping off. One time, we stopped at a site and a very, very large man got in and sat in back on one side. He was about as heavy as you can imagine a person being and still walking around on his own power. The pilot went straight up from the pad a couple hundred feet, played with settings on the stick, dropped maybe twenty feet, played some more, up and down a couple more times, then flew away like normal. I’d never seen them do that before or after. I assume he must have been getting the settings right for the unusually unbalanced load.

  • Plato did talk about other universes, but it was more like planes of existence. Sort of like the concepts of heaven and hell in a way. A key element, to me, of the multiverse is that it’s variant timelines, not just another realm.

    There was a novel in the early 30s called “Sideways in Time” that talked about not just going forward and backward in time, but also sideways.

    You could make an argument that the early 20s HG Wells story “Men Like Gods” did it earlier. It has a branch in time with the two paths existing simultaneously.