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Joined 2 个月前
Cake day: 2024年5月9日


  • 60% of the time, our pillaged, underfunded public education system works every time.

    Also, on a serious note, it’s against the capitalist’s interests to have a well informed society capable of critical thinking and true understanding of how badly they’re being fucked by big capital. An ignorant populace is a compliant, controllable, easy fo manipulate populace.

    That’s why the owners never send their kids to their livestock’s schools that they spent years defunding into today’s ruins. Well, that and they don’t want their kids to inadvertently develop… barf…empathy or comradery with their future cattle herd.

  • I have just come to acceptance with who we are, and enjoy the accidental poetry of our reckless worship of greed/gluttony/growth/metastasis being our, accelerating going by the latest science still going on deaf ears, end.

    I also enjoy all the very corporate culture like bargaining that’s going on with cold, hard, unflinching physics. Oh we won’t make our non-binding emissions goals and grid standards, so we’ll just roll those back, the climate will understand!

    We’re tackling our own self-inflicted, reverse terraforming climate disaster with the stages of grief because we refuse to stop and change how we live to find homeostasis with this world, so this isn’t going to end well, and just like with clean coal/corn ethanol/plant a tree offsets/planet scale carbon scrubbers and all the other private profit driven snake oil “solutions,” we aren’t going to science up a magic bullet to save us from the epically irresponsible actions of our epically irresponsible species.

  • Unlike a lot of sectors though, Airbus knows what they’re doing and is a high profile alternative, and unlike the US, hasn’t yet completely internalized our sociopathic greed disease to our degree, despite the global economic pressure we inflict on other nations encouraging them to betray and cause harm to their own societies and citizens if it means an extra nickel of short term private profit.

    Don’t worry though, the UK has fallen to the greed disease, and our capitalists are bribing and coercing their way eastward, and they won’t stop until they either are physically stopped by something like climate change, or successfully make the world forget that Economies are lowly tools that are supposed to exist solely to benefit the people of the society they are a lowly tool for.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneNothing rule
    24 天前

    I’ve seen stolen wares and goods being sold on street many times before. They arent scalped as that implies charging more than the retail price, they’re sold for significantly less than the retailer, often at a fraction.

    And just because they sold baby formula, doesn’t mean they don’t need to sell it to buy food and gas.

    I will side with the have nots doing what they can get away with to survive over the Alice Waltons choosing to live like modern Pharoahs on our backs and never being satisfied with their immoral dragon hoards every time. The owners have bred this desperation, and bribe our captured government to maintain it in perpetuity for their exclusive benefit. Look to the nordic countries, this isn’t how we have to live, scraping and subsisting, it’s how our owner class demands it be so they can run up their ego scores, competing with one another while seeing us as subhuman batteries for that sociopathic game.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneNothing rule
    24 天前

    I absolutely did, and I’m taking mental notes on their technique to improve my own.

    There’s no shame in stealing from a publically traded conglomerate, they used the money from exploiting you and those like you to lobby to steal more from you and destroy the commons they tear up with their supply chains but didn’t want to pay taxes to repair and maintain, and destroy public education they also don’t want to fund despite enjoying and taking for granted the pre-literate workforce they have access to that they directly profit from. Stealing from them is just revenge.

    They’ve stolen more from us than we can ever hope to steal back, including the temperate climate of our only habitat in their insatiable, blind, reckless, gluttonous, antisocial, sociopathic need for ever moooaaaar.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    25 天前

    I was banned from the LW comics sub because there was a comic about climate change being real, and I said something along the lines of having far more sympathy for non-human life suffering the hostile climate we’re creating because we’re doing it eyes wide open out of reckless greed , which according to that mod is “ecofascist rhetoric,” which I thought was funny because I wasn’t advocating doing… anything. Saying our species is more culpable for climate change than the other animals also suffering it was wrongthink that day.

    That’s the paradox of power in any form, the vast majority who pursue it, from politicians, to police, to mods, usually sought that power with a biased agenda, maybe not even consciously, but still. Power corrupts, bans for wrongthink aren’t avoidable with people in charge and no additional layers of active monitoring/auditing which isn’t really tenable on a volunteer basis.

  • Allonzee@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldLemmy.ml tankie censorship problem
    25 天前

    Fuck China’s and Fuck Russia’s elite.

    That said, reasonable is in the eye of the beholder, and I see capitalism’s apologists at this late hour (I’m suffering a reckless capitalist growth/metastasis caused heat dome as we speak along with 10s of millions of other Americans) as just as unreasonable as you see socialism proponents.

    Modding abuse destroys communities, and that’s wrong. But I don’t demand all the communities I frequent spend their days agreeing with me, nor do I walk away unless the entire ethos/subject of the sub is to be against what I’m for. By that I mean, I can generally enjoy talking about a movie, for example, with a capitalism proponent because it isn’t generally centrally relevant to the topic.

    The point of discourse is discourse. An AI chatbot will be better at feeding one’s confirmation bias than any community made up of people ever can be.