• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • That’s the thing that people who want flavour bans don’t get, it helps people quit cigarettes cause it tastes good and gives you your nicotine. Yes it’s more appealing to kids as well but if flavours get banned then more kids will just start picking up cigarettes again cause they’re dumb kids(I was one too, no shade) and want to look and feel cool, and if their friends are doing it then there’s a good chance they will too.

    Idk what the solution is but banning flavours is just gonna push people back to actual tobacco which is absolutely worse than vapes. Kids are gonna use nicotine no matter how much or a fuss people make or how hard you regulate it, a flavour ban isn’t gonna make things any better and will piss off a lot of people that aren’t kids, including me.

    Fuck off and let me poison my lungs with fruity vapour if I want, that’s basically my retirement plan at this point anyways is lung cancer or liver failure.

  • Where’s the line? Should normal people also not be able to have German Shepard’s since they’re also dangerous if not raised properly? I had a GS in the past and she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had, amazing and funny personality and insanely loveable. But that’s because she was brought up in a house where she was treated right and raised right.

    Blame the dumbass owners not the dogs themselves ffs. Just because you or someone else is scared of certain dogs doesn’t mean they should be blanket banned for everyone.