• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Ich glaube der mann ueberschaetzt, wie wichtig die deutschen automarken im ausland sind wo sie inzwischen mit den neuen chinesichen E-Modellen konkurieren muessen.

    Da haben die kunden inzwischen die wahl zwischen preiswerten elektrofahrzeugen mit guter ausstattung und reichweite, und teuren deutschen benzinkutschen mit guter leistung, aber hohen betriebskosten (benzin, reperatur) - besonders im ausland wo man fuer unter 10 cent strom daheim tanken kann.

    Ich frage mich wie relevant benziner in 10 jahren noch sein werden. Bei batterietechnik gibt es bis dahin sicher noch fortschritte in preis und leistung; aber welche firma wird heute noch neue verbrennermotoren bauen wollen bei den kosten und zeitaufwand von ein paar jahren fuer forschung und entwicklung - zumal die gewinne in leistung und verbrauch der letzten generationen auch eher marginal waren.

  • There is a one-time upfront payment of $55,000, plus an ongoing annual ground rent of $1,091 per bunker. Bunkers are provided in their as-is condition, without interior improvements, equipment or furnishings, ready for your outfitting.

    How is this a “billionaire commune”, when the price is a fraction of a standard 2-bedroom house or even a motorhome, and pretty much everyone can move in?

  • Of-the-shelf SSDs are optimized for speed and price.

    Flight recorders are typically specified to withstand an impact of 3400 g and temperatures of over 1,000 °C (1,830 °F), exposure to salt water, and high pressure if it sinks to the bottom of the sea as required by EUROCAE ED-112.

    Maybe you could design a flight recorder that uses SSDs, but then you must get it certified again for the new hardware, which will cost a lot of money nobody wants to spend. The next step in flight recorders is to also send a live feed of telemetric data back to some ground station so the last position of the plane is known - with a flight recorder you only get this data after you found the wreck. Currently submitting this signal is optional and can be turned of by the pilot, which is the reason why Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is still missing.

  • Previous company handled everything over email. No Kanban, no Git, no organization - everything was still handled as it was in a random accounting office back in the 90’s. I spend half of my worktime searching for who-said-what-and-when emails to code feature x, and then had to email it back to another dev.

    There was also zero drive to improve anything. I was yelled at for 5 mins straight for suggesting to add a placeholder to a dateinput (which was declared as ‘<input type=“text”>’, instead of ‘<input type=“date”>’), because the correct format ‘YYYYMMDD’ was never mentioned anywhere on the form or in error mesages, and people keept having issues.