• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 12th, 2023


  • I definitely remember short 2 or 3 second clips of relatively high quality music being played through our family’s IBM XT’s motherboard speaker at one point using a demo we got from a BBS or the Public Domain Software site in the mid-80s. It wasn’t easy but some madman made a proof-of-concept that did it and it was incredible at the time.

  • Yeah that does look real, not sure if it does more good than harm by putting it on a billboard.

    And unfortunately it does seem to be common enough that even as a guy I’ve met a woman who had this happen to her and told me, and assumably many others who didn’t say anything about the experience.

  • I remembered reading about it happening soon (?) for certain kinds of security updates (?) somewhere but it’s almost 2am here and I’m having difficulty googling a reliable and thorough source but it sounds like users will have to subscribe to Ubuntu Pro to get certain kinds of update, although it might be free under certain circumstances.

    I don’t know, Ubuntu has treated me well the last decade but I’m willing to explore other distros if it seems like it’ll be unnecessarily commericalized. Will read up more in the morning.

  • They were amazing pioneers of shitposting and circlejerking but some people considered them something of a hate group for their callouts of specific subcultures. I’m suggesting that aspect of things that OP is describing isn’t exactly new.

    But yeah, agreed, the swift, stark ban policy was very effective in creating a “civil” society there - idiots showed up to fuck around, bam hope they’ve got 10 more bucks if they want to try again under a different account.

  • Plenty of people were collecting and posting evidence like this in the early/mid 00s, a lot of it’s probably still searchable if you want to comb through, I don’t know, the archives of fark.com, suck. com*, plastic. com*, I dunno a hundred other dusty forgotten forums. In many ways the internet we have today is structured to hide a lot of realizations people had in those times about the changes that happened under the Bush admin. The jet fuel line is just the echoes of crank theories that got turned into a joke meant to silence that effort.

    *dead websites only available on the internet archive, the links probably go to something fucked up now so please don’t follow them