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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023


  • I worked with Arabs at a gyro cafe off and on for 5ish years. Jordanian, Iraqi, Saudi, Kuwaiti, Egyptian, some religious, some meh, one atheist. I have heard some wild shit. I’ve seen some garbage imams and heard their worthless ideas. These people exist just like crazy evangelical Christians. The only thing that makes me raise an eyebrow is the volume of garbage I read. It doesn’t reflect the ratio of normal to crazy that I encountered between my co-workers, their families, and friends I would meet. It makes me wonder how much troll farms play a role. Russia has something to gain from making the world hate Muslims. Israel has something to gain from the world hating Muslims. Both are really good at propaganda. Some of this stuff deserves a hard side eye squint because there is no doubt there are bad actors involved trying to sway the public.

  • But how long did they take care of themselves? Exercise took months for me to feel any benefits and even then it was small at first. It was the same with cutting added sugar and caffeine. Then one day I realized I felt worse if I didn’t walk or work out and that I felt shitty after that coke. The transition into feeling good was so slow that it’s easy to miss if you don’t stay consistent. It took me decades to understand all that because I was looking for a quick medication like fix.

    The worst part of the whole thing is when you get over the hump you get kicked out and labeled a phoney because some people make depression and misery a competition.

  • That’s just Christianity and it’s a product of the conflict between the Old and New testament. It’s by design. That’s what the whole council of nicea did. The chose what was and wasn’t in the Bible and those influential people chose what worked for them. Why would they choose the letters of a pharisee who went into the desert with his followers, saw big J “after falling off a horse/camel”, and the only evidence is the word of those followers? Jesus freaking hated the Pharisee. They chose those letters because they work for them. Now we have this guide book that people can look to to justify being awesome to everyone and killing children for making fun of a bald man. The whole turn the other cheek thing is suspicious too. Sounds like something an institution that takes advantage of people would want so they can get away with screwing you over. Yah know. You HAVE to forgive them.