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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023

  • Oh, they totally do. That’s why I’d suggest not punching a Nazi in front of the cops, even if they 100% deserved it. The cops will arrest you much quicker than they will a fascist even if you do the same exact thing.

    And also definitely YMMV on whether this works at all, I’m in Massachusetts where the cops have to at least pretend they’re doing their jobs so they will typically detain Nazis if they take an actual swing at someone. Other states this might not work at all.

  • Nazis get worse if you don’t actively oppose them. That can look like punching them, but it can also look like actively ostracizing them by taking away their jobs, denying them participation in community events, or just straight up shaming them in public.

    Pacifism only works if the other side isn’t willing to kill you. These jackasses fantasize about genociding people as a hobby, so if you think pacifism is going to work for you then go right ahead but I’ll be over here working on my defensive skills.

    In many situations nazi-punching is not your best tactical decision, especially in the presence of cops. Using your words to hurt the poor Nazi snowflakes feelings works just as well and has the added benefit of potentially provoking them into getting themselves arrested if there are cops watching.

  • I have a “mom” sized pocketbook that I carry around and it always has the following:

    • Band aids, nail clipper, and aquaphor tube
    • Eye drops
    • Wallet, phone, keys
    • Masks
    • Earbuds
    • Hand sanitizer
    • Sunglasses
    • Small fidget toy
    • Folding hairbrush
    • Hair ties
    • Small sunscreen stick, chapstick
    • Pen
    • Set of plastic cutlery
    • Pill case with some commonly needed pills like Tylenol, Claritin, etc

    If it’s sunny I’ll bring a sun umbrella and a hat, both of which can fit in the bag in a pinch. If it’s raining, just the umbrella. It’s not a perfect system but some things (especially the band aids and fidget) come in handy pretty often

  • cries in working parent

    My employer gives us 8 sick days a year. When we run out of those we are supposed to use vacation time. It’s downright depressing how fast we blow through the sick time in a bad winter season.

    I’m very very lucky to work from home, so I can neglect my sick kid at home while getting work done and thus avoid having to burn through my vacation time as well. Others aren’t so lucky.

  • When watching eagle nest cams, I’ve seen little birds and mammals hanging around eagle nests and scooping up scraps of leftover prey. I think in many cases a large raptor isn’t going to go chasing around a little birds when they’ve already caught something bigger and the little birds play clean up crew and take away scraps that would be too small for the larger birds. Not sure if that’s the case here but it’s a cool little cooperative situation to notice. You’ll also see little birds nesting under osprey nests, probably for the same reason.

  • They don’t. My local shop has a waiting room with coffee, sodas, Wi-Fi, and seating/desks. Plenty of people (myself included) bring their work with them to the shop while their car is fixed. Also I’ve definitely seen people driving around loaner vehicles from dealerships before which is kinda a solution?

    But you’re right that it sucks that our society has designed places where it’s impossible to get around without a car. My car shop is a short bus ride from my house or a slightly longer walk. If I take my car to the dealership, which is farther away, home is a bike ride away or I can go to the shops nearby. I’d guess this is the case in most denser urban areas except maybe some US cities which are just terribly laid out.

  • Advantages of bras:

    • Look nice (if you’re into that look, which many people are)

    • Keep your nipples from chafing

    • Support/containment for larger boobs

    • Keep prudish people from being mad at your nipples

    • Can be worn without a shirt for sports if they cover enough real estate

    • When breastfeeding, help catch/absorb leaks

    Disadvantages of bras:

    • Uncomfortable if not fitted right
    • Sweaty as fuck on hot days
    • Expensive
    • Many have to be hand washed if they are fancy

    I would say I wear bras about 30-50% of the time and it’s usually for either support/chafing prevention or looks. The rest of the time I can’t be bothered. I’m also lucky to not have super large breasts. I know women who do may find a good fitted bra to be more comfortable than no bra.

    When I was breastfeeding I wore them all the time though because it is super awkward to leak through your shirt in public.

    Edited to add bullet points bc I suck at lemmy formatting

  • You seem to be implying all people and countries are on a scale moving closer to some single ideal.

    I mean that’s definitely how some people interpret it but at least for me, patriotism encompasses the idea that my country should be best for me and the people in it but that other people in other countries get to think the same thing about their country and work towards their own version of “best.”

    But I’m not gonna argue that everyone does patriotism this way because that’s clearly not the case 🙃 plenty of “patriots” out there willing to wreck their own country in a war over bringing their own ideals to a different place.

  • I’m a huge fan of Nabokov’s and have read Lolita several times… But I’ve never heard it described as horror before and you are so right! I guess before I’d have classified it as tragedy but horror fits so much better.

    It’s basically a horror story told from the point of view of the monster.

    The only “tragic love story” is maybe Dolores’ mother trying to warn the world about Humbert being a pedophile only to be hit by a car and killed, unable to save her daughter. Or maybe Dolores’ tragic battle to love herself and escape from all the men who want to take advantage of her.

    Rowling with another steaming hot garbage pile of an opinion on sexual abuse, no surprise there. What an awful person.

  • Cisgender woman here, I just wanted to add that if my husband were to come out as trans, that would not be a tragedy or something I wished he’d gotten figured out sooner for my sake. In this hypothetical scenario, if it somehow managed to make us incompatible as married partners we’d deal with it but people have gotten divorced for much worse reasons before. The worst part for me would be worrying if he’d been miserable during our marriage, because I love him and would hate for that to be his experience of our time together.

    It’s really hard to imagine because AFAIK we’re both cis but personally I’d probably prefer to stay married to my spouse even if he changed his gender identity. I mean he’s still the same person I married and we still love the same things and have a wonderful life and child together. I dunno, maybe it wouldn’t work out in the end but I sure as hell wouldn’t be mad at him for something he couldn’t change.

    Anyways, my point is you don’t have to assume that your relationships with cis people will all get blown up if you do happen to be trans. I appreciate the urge to have your ducks all in a row before embarking on significant life events but the truth is that marriage and adulthood is super messy anyways. If you marry someone and have a kid with them the odds are good you will have all sorts of chaotic events to deal with- physical illnesses, mental illnesses, kid stress or illness, weight gain or loss, money trouble, job changes, changes in personality with age, the list goes on and on. The trick to being happily married is rolling with the changes, working hard at your partnership, and being committed to your partner, not having it all perfectly lined up at the start.