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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • I knew of a girl when I was in high school. She was a senior and I was a sophomore. Word began rushing through the school that she (head cheerleader) was pregnant by the quarterback on the football team. He came from a super wealthy family, and honestly we all expected an immediate marriage and a ‘premature’ baby.

    What happened instead was an announcement that she had died during emergency surgery and let’s all pray. She had had a (what we called) backstreet abortion and hemorrhaged.

    We all knew how to access an illegal abortion, we knew the risks, and this girl just was the unlucky one.

    She was super smart, in the Latin club, debate, 4.0, just destined for success. And instead she died.

    This was in 1969, and I cannot believe we as a nation are willing to go back over 2 decades in women’s healthcare.

  • Last November, Kim Taylor was found guilty of 26 counts of providing false information in registering and voting, 23 counts of fraudulent voting and three counts of fraudulent registration.

    The office of the US attorney for the northern district of Iowa said Taylor “perpetrated a scheme to fraudulently generate votes for her husband in the primary election for Iowa’s fourth US congressional district in June 2020.

    Taylor submitted or caused others to submit dozens of voter registrations, absentee ballot request forms, and absentee ballots containing false information. Taylor completed and signed voter forms without voters’ permission and told others that they could sign on behalf of relatives who were not present.”

  • Deep south Louisiana here. Recognized the fake sincerity in both her awful “I’m a good Christian wifey” voice and her “fake fake fake concerned” facial expressions, the fake automated and often inappropriate smiles. Yuk.

    I’m sure this will fly right over the heads of Evangelical/Fundie idiots, because that’s all they’ve ever known. But those of us who’ve dipped our toe into the waters of a wider world are noticing, and we are not being fooled at all.

    Even some Republicans down here noticed…my neighbor asked me if I saw her “little talk in her kitchen” and called it a shit show. She’s not wrong, but I don’t think she even knows to what extent.

    Tens of millions of women are angered by the overthrow of abortion rights and her “mommy and wifey” as her primary role in society is going to anger them further. The Republican woman is being shown as submissive with little value to the party; she literally belongs in the kitchen! That’s a big no-no to many women, even some Republican ones.