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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I don’t know if you’re from the states but if you are purchasing mega millions or Powerball tickets, they stop sales at about 6:45 p.m. Pacific time and then do the drawing sometime after 7:00 of the same day.

    I interpreted it as you would repeat the exact same day 365 times, not that you would repeat the exact same year over and over again.

  • I would take the +3 charm and groundhog Day for a year. It would be really awesome to have 3 charm instead of 0, and if I could repeat Tuesday for an entire year then I could learn skills and practice things and read a bunch of books and memorize and establish a plan to purchase a winning lottery ticket, not excessive but maybe like the mega millions I don’t know, and come out of the year into Wednesday with nine figures in my bank account and a clear plan of action.

  • Counterpoint:

    Thanks to streaming we don’t spend quite as much time thinking about the media we consume and the deeper meanings and subtext and generating internal fanfictions about what could possibly be coming up in the next episode a week from now.

    Streaming makes media easier to consume but fills it with culturally empty calories.

    The grand majority of conversation I see about a show is, “Have you seen _? No? You should totally watch _, it’s really good!” Or alternatively, “Yeah, it’s great isn’t it?”

    Since Netflix came out we’ve definitely taken one step down the ladder rung closer to Idiocracy ass movies.

  • Next time you get your teeth cleaned at the dentist, which you should be doing every 6 months or so, ask them to give you a fluoride treatment. They literally just brush this minty sweet stuff onto your teeth and let it sit for 5 or 10 minutes.

    The fluoride will leech into your teeth and help reinforce any weak spots to decrease the likelihood of developing cavities.

    I mean, if you’re a conspiracy theorist then in theory it will calcify your third eye as well, but I have no way of verifying that claim, or even proving that the third eye exists other than the pineal gland in your brain, and I’ve never heard of anyone’s pineal gland being calcified.

  • It’s kind of like in the 1800s they believed that human beings could never generate enough pollutants to actually affect the Earth. There are intelligent opinions statements saying that the Earth was simply too large for anything a mere handful of 100 million humans could do to leave any lasting impact on.

    Of course, they had no idea that we would swell to 8 billion humans or that the industrial revolution would take off quite so well as it did, but even today there are many people who believe that nothing that they individually do can leave any type of lasting ecological impact, positive or negative.

    And because of that you have bum fuck HVAC technicians venting refrigerants into the atmosphere willy-nilly and assholes driving down the street throwing lit cigarette butts out in the middle of a drought and people just dumping their trash wherever they find an opportunity to dump it.

    I said all of that to say that it’s probably likely that even minor usage of drugs cause effects that are at best difficult to quantify. I don’t think getting high one time is going to be the differentiation between a homeless bum and a Nobel Peace prize winner, but it might be the difference between someone who works a career and earns at their best $250,000 a year and someone who works a career and earns at their best $80,000 a year.

  • I have a follow-up head Canon about the movie Evil Dead 2, in that what we are seeing is Ash telling us the story of what happened and how his girlfriend got her head chopped off with a shovel.

    That would explain the camp, The Three stooges comedy and the over-the-top bizarre this guy is just so cool he can’t be killed even by an army of the Dead even when he sucked into the past like A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

    This is held up by the revised ending to army of darkness where he’s telling this story to a girl in Kmart sorry, S Mart to impress her as if having a home-built robotic hand wasn’t impressive efuckingnough.

  • And also, I personally think that vaders redemption at the end of episode 6 was false.

    Vader killed billions of people. He destroyed an entire planet for the lulz.

    And he was a whiny little shit his entire life before becoming Vader.

    One tiny little moment of redemption is not enough to undo all the shit he did.

    It is my opinion that the force ghosts shown at the end of episode 6 are being created by Luke Skywalker to assuage his own mental trauma of the series of events that had let him to that point.

    He did that so he can tell himself that he is a hero, that he is not a failed Jedi, that all of the pain and suffering he had been through was worth it.

    The only reason why Leia could sort of see them was because she was tuned into his force power

  • Then back to the Future part 2, Marty McFly should have arrived in the future where he disappeared 30 years ago and his children were never born.

    Even if he did arrive history should have begun reverting itself, as his disappearance from the past should have altered the present until he returns.

    As long as he experienced no ghosting effects, that would have meant that he was functionally immortal until he returned back to the present.

    That entire scenario could have been avoided if doc Brown had said we’ve got a few hours until the universe begins to rectify the fact that you are not in the past with the temporal causality of the present future