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Cake day: 2024年3月6日

  • Every group has their assholes, I’ve seen plenty of them. But I’ve also seen plenty where the individual was being harassed or unlawfully detained or worse doing nothing more than practicing their constitutional rights.

    My favorite is the guy walking around a police station parking lot video taping and photographing the vehicles. I don’t remember if anyone confronts him beforehand, but the Chief comes out and basically offers to give the guy a tour, he understands he’s not breaking any laws, etc.

    Either way, there are legitimate first amendment auditors. I’ve never heard of a legitimate or successful sovereign citizen.

  • I was in an uber with a friend in some Baltimore traffic when the driver almost rear-ended the car in front of us. She was distracted talking to us, I think, was telling us about her life or something.

    Immediately after she slammed on the brakes, she admitted to us she was high as a kite, and then went into explaining how she hides it from her rides (uses the ozium stuff to make the smell disappear, leaving a window of time between pickups to ensure the car aired out, etc). Vaping wasn’t as commonplace back then, as I think Colorado and only one other state had legalised it at that point.

    But, like, damn lady… Why are you telling your two passengers this right after you almost got into a nasty wreck? We just wanted to get to the bar 😂

  • Well that may explain an interaction between a possum and my sisters dog a few years ago. When I lived with my sister I’d take their mastiff out on her leash and walk her around their property while I had a smoke. We’d do this all times of day and night.

    I’d drop the leash if we were in the backyard since it was fenced on two sides and only one gate to get into the front, which I could keep an eye on while she explored. One night, it had to have been about midnight, she was obsessed with this one spot in the tall grass, like, would not leave this spot. So after about five minutes I went to grab her, and she’s fighting me, nose buried in this spot. I finally turn my flashlight on and walk over, and there’s a possum curled up in the tall grass. And she’s licking it…

    I pull her away, since, I’m sure dogs shouldn’t be licking wild animals, especially ones that are dead, right? Like, only a dead possum would let another animal lick it, right? Wrong. As I’m looking at it to make sure she didn’t lick up any maggots or was eating any rotten meat, it turned it’s head towards me, eyes squinting, like, “Do you mind? I was having the most wonderful dream of a bath.” It wasn’t playing possum, I’ve seen them do that, it was literally just curled up in grass, sleeping, while a dog 6X its size was licking it head to toe.

  • MLK Jr. literally wrote about this exact same thing in his Letter from Birmingham jail.

    that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season.’ ”

  • Yeah, but even if they’re arrested and the charges are dropped, they still have an arrest on their record, which many/most colleges ask about on their applications.

    Watch the John Oliver episode about School Resource Officers, you’ll see one girl arrested and charged (I believe they dropped it though) with a felony/bomb charge for popping her water bottle cap like we used to do in school (y’know, twist the bottle, and then unscrew the cap and it pops off).

    Another kid, special needs, was arrested and manhandled because he lightly carved “[Name] was here” into a concrete wall, which his mother had him come back and clean off. John put the kids name on his wall so that everyone would know “a legend was here,” which is the reason the kid gave for why he did it in the first place.

    Schools don’t need cops, they need social workers, counselors, and proper funding. Not a chode with a gun and an authority fetish. Our school officer used to make friends with all the kids dealing drugs/getting in fights, while our principals/vice principals would scream at kids to take their hoodies off. And they wonder why kids think school is a joke.

  • A former roommate got me “What the Fuck Should I Make for Dinner?!” as a gift a few years back. Pretty funny book, written in the style that reminds me of Bill Burr a little bit.

    “We’re making fucking roasted chicken, alright? So buy the damn chicken, along with these herbs you probably don’t fucking have, and we’ll get this shit rolling.”

  • Do you not have carpets or what?

    I don’t, no. Only one room in my house has carpet, and they’re from the original owner and already gross anyway, and that room is a storage room. The rest of the house is hardwood (which needs to be redone) or linoleum.

    I couldn’t imagine fucking up all my carpets and furniture over time from being too lazy to take shoes off.

    It’s not always laziness, I prefer just having my shoes on unless I’ve got my feet on the couch, then it’s just socks. People have their own preferences, there’s nothing wrong with that.

    Plus I just don’t understand how it’s comfortable to wear shoes all day long. I usually can’t wait to get home just so I can take my shoes off. I don’t feel like I can truly relax without them off.

    🤷‍♀️ Don’t know, I just feel more comfortable in shoes an/or socks. I’ve never understood people who have to take their shoes and socks off as soon as they get home, you’re just getting dust and dirt and whatever else all over your feet.

    Do you wear your shoes when you’re in bed and snuggling on the couch under a blanket too???

    No, shoes don’t go on the furniture, unless I’d get too high in the past and fall asleep with them on. They’re warm and protect my feet.

    I’ll also add, I have a dog, so, to me, it’s a moot point. He’s not wearing shoes, and he’s going to drag even worse stuff in the house on his paws, and I’m not cleaning his paws literally every time he’s gotta go out and pee, so… 🤷‍♀️

    Idk, I see all of the points people are making about why you shouldn’t wear them inside, but I don’t understand why people are acting like they’ve never even considered the concept of just… Wearing shoes inside? Like, to me, it’s more astonishing (as a former chef) that people will cook barefoot, like, haven y’all never seen what hot oils can do to bare skin? That’s insane to me, but I’m not losing my mind over the concept.

  • Could be, I’ve honestly never given it much thought, it’s just what I tend to be most comfortable wearing. I wore shorts growing up and through my time in the military, but after that, I kinda just… Stopped? I am definitely a creature of habit, so probably subconsciously it’s a consistency thing for me.

    I’m also pretty skinny, so I get cold easily and prefer the warmth that long pants provide regardless of weather, and the protection they offer from nature and the elements (hence why I wore them year round at the Post Office). But fabric doesn’t matter to me, or brand or any of that, just that they’re the proper length.

    For shoes, I just don’t like having my feet out in the world, and don’t like how loose sandals/flip flops feel while wearing them. I also don’t like how the interior of shoes feel against bare feet, hence why socks and shoes go hand in hand (no boat shoes for me). Now that I’m typing that out, I just don’t like my bare feet touching anything, really, like, I’m one of those people who wears socks in their own home constantly except when I’m sleeping.

    It does simplify dressing myself, since I know it’s always gonna be socks+jeans/pants+T-shirt/long sleeve/hoodie. I’ve also had to wear long pants at every job I’ve ever had (minus the Post Office), so at some point it may have just set in that it’s easier to just wear pants regardless of what I’m doing. 🤷‍♀️

  • I’m the opposite: I wear long pants, shoes, and socks year round, only my upper garments change for the seasons (T-shirts in the summer, long sleeves in the spring/fall, hoodies/jackets in the winter).

    90°F outside? I’m in jeans. Going to the beach? Socks and sneakers, baby (though I’ll wear bathing trunks). Even when I was a mail carrier walking literally 10 miles a day in 90% humidity, I was wearing long pants. My coworkers/customers thought I was crazy, and maybe I am, but that’s just how it be.