• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月2日


  • Ah i see, so because its connected to other devices in the sidewalk network, if my neighbor has it hooked up to wifi and mine isnt, it still can connect to the internet.

    Yea that sucks. I hate that. I have “smart” TV that i never connected to my wifi cause i use a pc for streaming.

    Next thing yknow theres gonna be lte modems in these things that they pay to keep on just to spy on us ffs man.

  • I dont really understand why you would buy a band tee if you don’t know or like the band. Seems kinda weird to me but if that’s what you wanna do, fine. Maybe the album art is cool? Idk man you do you.

    I kinda get why people get upset when someone wears one and they dont know any songs but at the same time, doesn’t really seem worth it to “call them out”.

    Just dont be surprised if someone asks what your favorite song from them is if you’re wearing the bands merch.

  • Brother laser printers are good for everyone, not just Linux users.

    Helped my gfs mom troubleshoot her HP printer (I know, ew. She bought it before we met) and finally figured out from the stupid app that it was out of one color.

    The app doesnt indicate this in words though, Oh no. Just a stupid infographic that doesnt say ANYTHING. Just shows a nondescript bar at the top.

    Only reason I downloaded it was i thought it would be a bit more user friendly.

    Long story short I recommended a brother laser printer because the last time I replaced a cartridge in it was a couple years back and that was after printing things for god knows how long. And mine is old af.

  • Oh boy the ADHD is strong with this one.

    Yea before meds, hyper focus usually came in small bursts but there was a whole 2 weeks and i do literally mean 2 weeks where i spent every waking moment trying to make a jellyfin server work. I worked night shift security at the time so it was wake up, work on the servwr before work, go to work, look up docs and videos, go home, sleep, rinse, repeat for two weeks straight.

    I was new to Linux (and still am) so it took me so fucking long and i ended up doing it on windows in the end anyways. But yea after doing almost nothing else for two weeks, i was a liiiiittle burnt out.

    My advice if you wanna play with tech but dont wanna spend the scratch, ask friends or family if they have old laptops or pcs they dont want and use those. Ive gotten 5 laptops this way.

    Or ebay and other marketplace sites. Old hardware is still fun.