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Joined 3 个月前
Cake day: 2024年4月12日


  • I really never got into EverQuest. Maybe I’ll try again, but honestly at this point I’m sort of over social games. I played a lot of neverwinter when I was transitioning off wow, and it did the job, but I’ve not found any sort of mmo since that really makes me want to play… because all I want to do most of the time is solo play and pug dungeons (always a disappointment).

    I used to be a raid leader and main healer for the guilds’ clan (we had a group of iirc 6 casual guilds that shared forums and a vent server and would do stuff together like a super guild) and I miss doing that but… not enough to try to find it again I guess.

    I desperately want to be into games like helldivers or other “major hit” social play games, but they are without fail not my style of game. So… eh. I think that time in my life is just gone. Maybe when immersive VR is a major thing and there are mmos for it (ideally that don’t give me horrible motion sickness), that sounds pretty cool. But I won’t wait around with bated breath.

  • I don’t really use steam and I have this problem too. I buy discs used, and I don’t always look up gameplay videos… so yeah, often not my cup of tea turns out. But resellable if I want down the line, at least.

    Just the other day I bought a Wii super monkeyball game that uses the balance board. I have everything I need to play it, but the chances of actually doing that are pretty slim, tbh. A lot of the older games (anything under $10 for consoles more than a decade old, really) I buy are like that. “Might be fun, might never get played, but in an emergency, can be sold”.

    I miss playing mmos, but none of them have hit like vanilla wow on a pve server, and now I hate people too much to bother. If I could spin up a server of my own and just play by myself or with a few people I know, sure, but most games don’t allow that. So single player it is.

  • Oh man a walla walla is totally doable, sweet and mild. Even a red onion, for me. I like to slice them and eat the rings as snacks, raw, plain. Sometimes with finely sliced purple cabbage on the side, which is a bit peppery.

    I’m not a fan of standard white onions where the whole flavor is the chemical burn, but those are good for cooking. If you dip them in ranch they give wicked heartburn, but not so much the mouth burn. White onions are also the only ones that cause eye irritation for me, the others I don’t even notice anymore.

    My dad used to eat them like apples. I never have, but I do eat them plain so I guess the onion didn’t fall far off the truck.

  • If you play hyrule warriors age of calamity, you get to play around with her in combat, and they explored her as a mage (don’t really recall in the first one how she played, tbh, I feel like she was melee for that one)

    It’s kinda wonky AE stuff, basically AE versions of all link’s sheika abilities in botw, since the slate is literally her weapon, but it’s a warriors crossover game so that’s pretty par for the course on the wonkiness.

    Idk how this wand thing or the abilities from it compare to that (I don’t watch trailers, they spoil things), but I think they’ve had it on their mind for a while now.

  • I think this is a big part of it. I don’t think any of the apps I use have pfp visible by default (tho the community icon shows) and I don’t really care enough to see if I can turn it on. I know I have one, because I used stable diffusion to make it, but I don’t recall what it looks like because it doesn’t show up on my profile page, and my profile information is intentionally suppressed in the main interface (it would show there if I wanted). I never click into other profiles (other than by accident), so I don’t see them there either.

    I legit hardly ever recognize anyone because I don’t pay much attention to names unless it’s something weird I want more context for, or a back and forth conversation. I think Reddit trained me to gloss over that.

  • Yeah that’s fair.

    I’m a small person with proportionally small hands (I’m actually closer to child-size than average-adult-size) and the ps5 controllers are probably the worst I’ve ever used (I haven’t used anything past 360 for Xbox; those controllers are also big). I can’t even imagine an actual child without the dexterity and musculature using one properly.

    Nothing like the controllers back in the day… sure they had cords but they were light and pretty small. Even when they were early wireless, they were light.

    And there is a huge market for off brand controllers for the size issue. I’ve bought a lot of 3rd party ones because they felt nicer. It’s be nice if they were OEM tho.

  • Disclaimer: I did read it.

    Is it just most players of these games that use guides or like all games? If it’s all games, I find that fascinating.

    I absolutely hate needing to look anything up, and I get super upset with myself when I don’t think of the convoluted solution or discover the hidden quest on my own. I shouldn’t, sure, but always have. Since getting stuck in the vine forest in illusions of Gaia on SNES (think of the korok forest in breath of the wild, or the woods to Canada in the South Park games -wrong turn reset), and needing my older sister, who didn’t game, to navigate it for me, I’ve always wanted to solve it myself.

    I mean I look stuff up if I really get stuck, or if I’m not sure the game has “missable” stuff (which I absolutely hate, because I’m not gunna play a game through again in most cases to make different choices; too many games I haven’t played for that to be desirable), but I hate doing it and don’t internally understand why you’d want to, I suppose.

    Like I’m not judging anyone who does, those guides totally exist for a reason… I just have never understood the print guide or super detailed walkthrough thing, because it’s the opposite of how I like games. I always wondered who they were made for.

  • My friend keeps her phone in a purse, which she puts on the floor of the passenger side whether she is driving or a passenger sitting shotgun. It’s always in the same place. When we take Ubers she usually sits in the middle so she can see, and puts the purse between her feet. Thus her phone is almost never on her person in the car.

    I suspect this is true for a lot of people who use purses or other bags as every day carry. Or perhaps it’s actually in the passenger seat, lots of people use that for bags when driving solo.

    So while it may be true for you that your phone is on you while a passenger, that’s a ton of people it isn’t true for at all, who would then be in the “bad data” camp.