• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I can’t find a quote from the OP linked DW article, so I found this.

    EDIT: It is in the original article posted, it’s just the OP comment that is misleading. Read the article, and forget the OP comment.

    Diese Mannschaft ist wirklich großartig. Stellt euch kurz vor, da wären nur weiße deutsche Spieler.

    My amateur translation as neither English or German first language:
    This team is really great, imagine (for a moment) if it was only white German players.

    Seems like she is trying to defend the fact that it’s not an all white team. But IDK, seems somehow inelegant the way she writes it. But maybe my German isn’t good enough?

    I think she should have stopped at just saying the team is great, the second part just seems like a weird response to racist complaints that there are too few whites on the team. Just saying the team is great, is probably the best counter to racism IMO.

  • Yes that’s what Intel has been preaching for 2 decades now, but I don’t believe it, if it were true, then how come Intel could not compete spending more than Arms entire revenue for 10 years to try to make a better CPU than Arm? They failed for 10 years with $10 billion in losses trying, and then they simply gave up, because they were basically no closer after 10 years than they started out with. And that was back when they still had a production process advantage!!!

    But apart from that AMD would make an Arm CPU because it’s become a huge ecosystem competitive in scope to X86. AND I have zero doubt that if they do, they will prove to have better power efficiency than their X86 offerings.
    AMD was at it before, but that was when they were near bankrupt, now AMD is hugely profitable, and can easily afford the extra R&D, but of course they will only do it, if they believe they can capture Arm marketshare enough for it to be profitable.

  • You really need to read the article IMO, OP only post a half cutout for some reason???

    Now there’s a new risk on the horizon. Keir Starmer’s Labour Party, which is leading Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives by a margin of about 20% in opinion polls,

    That would probably mean Labour gets about 80% of the seats. I seriously doubt UK will be able to right itself under the current political system.
    Because then labor will increase taxes to improve services, and people will not feel the improvement and think they get nothing, because it takes time to build what Conservatives have torn down.

    Labor is probably lucky if they get 2 terms. And they need to get things passed in the house of lords, which will undermine the Labor government. Then the people will forget how shitty Conservatives are, and vote them back in, because they don’t feel Labor is doing a good enough job with their money.

    This will cause an absolute majority to Conservatives because of the idiotic first past the post system, and Conservatives will tear down everything Labor has built, either good or bad.

    The first past the post system is a disease that undermines democracy to make it almost totally dysfunctional. We see the same in USA.
    It’s an attempt to sacrifice democracy for efficiency, and the end result is that both are ruined.

    Now whether millionaires are fleeing or not IDK, but they may not be worth much for UK society any way. Millionaires use more public services and pay less, so it may in fact be good riddance, unless they actually contribute. But I do believe it may be a symptom of a society that doesn’t work as well as it used to, so those that have the means, choose other options.