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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Conservatism is a vile plague of oppression and death. Even a conservative “doctor” can never be trusted.

    The conservatives are becoming the brownshirts right before our eyes. Just as they have always done throughout history, conservatives will oppress and kill as many normal people as possible if they are not physically stopped. They will spare no one, not even children.

    Understand that your conservative coworkers, neighbors and even family members will betray you. They cannot stop themselves. It is just who they are at their core.

    Unfortunately, there has never been a peaceful solution to an uprising of conservatives. Pacifism has never worked to stop them. Be proactive, train and prepare mentally and physically for what’s to come.

  • I feel dirty admitting this, but this time I’m on the side of disinformation. More lives will be saved by saving our nation from the fascists. This time, I won’t be trying to talk any sense into them. I want them to ignore the science and distrust medicine.

    Our nation’s most vulnerable groups as well as our planet’s normal (non-conservative) people are on the verge of being permanently oppressed and/or exterminated. If stepping aside and allowing the oppressors to kill themselves will prevent that outcome, then we need to grow a spine and do exactly that. Let’s encourage them to shrink their voting base while voting is still relevant.