Just an Aussie tech guy - home automation, ESP gadgets, networking. Also love my camping and 4WDing.

Be a good motherfucker. Peace.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The problem there, as we’re already seeing, is arsehole councils taking action against people on private properties, where the people either own the property, or have the property owner’s permission, and live in tents or caravans there.


    Every layer of government has their fair share of blame to wear for this, from the snouts at the trough in the local city councils, to the fat wankers in suits in Canberra. Not one single government has done anything remotely positive to improve the future of housing in this country in the past 20 or so years.

    Instead, they’ve encouraged and rewarded foreign ownership and rich landlords that own dozens of properties. Our monetary policy is tied to a broken measure of financial health, where the snake eats its own tail: higher rent contributes to higher inflation, which contributes to higher interest rates, which contributes to higher rent.

    All our governments have done is create the perfect conditions for a massively bloated housing market that’s almost impossible for anyone to get into without already being in the middle-to-upper earning brackets.

    Councils have to start thinking along humanitarian grounds, and enable people to live self-sufficiently, rather than punishing them for it. It’s not hard to see a future where a pensioner dies on a park bench in the middle of winter, because they couldn’t afford to rent or pay their mortgage, got permission to live in a van on someone’s rural block, and some cunt of a councilor decided a bullshit zoning law was more important than human dignity.

    Something has to give.

  • I’ve been thinking about exactly the same problem.

    We want to give our near-10yo daughter her first phone, but she’s not allowed to have it at school. She’s also getting to the point where she can be trusted at home for an hour or so before one of us gets home from work, so I also need a presence detection method that doesn’t use a mobile phone.

    My best theoretical solutions are like those already suggested here: an ESP32 BT proxy detecting a homebrew BLE beacon in her school bag, or detect activity on her iPad/the TV. But neither of those are reliable for all scenarios - she obviously doesn’t take her school bag to her friend’s house, and doesn’t always use her iPad or the TV.

    The only other thing I’m pondering is if I could setup facial recognition using our video doorbell. I use Frigate with a Coral TPU, so hoping there’s a project out there that could possibly do that.

  • Don’t be a dick, mate. Engage just a little bit of critical thinking before calling people names like that.

    By law where I am, our kids aren’t allowed to have their phones at school. My daughter’s school’s policy, then, is that phones are left at the school office.

    We want to give our soon-to-be 10yo daughter her first phone later this year (times with a planned family trip, so it can be her new camera as well). But if she takes it to school and has to leave it at the office, I can guarantee she’ll absolutely forget on more than one occasion to pick it up before coming home.

    So, her phone will have to stay home. But we’re also getting to the point where she can be trusted to let herself in and wait for one of us to get home (like OP, maybe an hour or so). So a presence detection option can’t be based on whether the phone has moved into the geo zone in HA.

    This is a legitimate question for modern parents. Denigrating OP without knowing or understanding all the facts certainly does shine a light on ignorance at play here. Just not OP’s ignorance.

  • Please use a personal email. My email is ‘mail’ @ ‘my actual name’. It does not get more personal than that

    It’s a legit rule they’re enforcing, IMO. Generic email addresses are usually unmonitored mailboxes that don’t bounce. Easy to use if you’re spamming contact forms and stuff like that.

    Instead they advised me (3 times) to create a personal email on a service like Yahoo, Outlook, Gmail, Orange, etc

    I think this is more a boilerplate suggestion, to lower the barrier to entry for people. Gotta remember, those of us that host our own email and/or use our own personal domains are definitely in the minority.

  • Not heaps, although I should probably do more than I do. Generally speaking, on Saturday mornings:

    • Between 2am-4am, Watchtower on all my docker hosts pulls updated images for my containers, and notifies me via Slack then, over coffee when I get up:
      • For containers I don’t care about, Watchtower auto-updates them as well, at which point I simply check the service is running and purge the old images
      • For mission-critical containers (Pi-hole, Home Assistant, etc), I manually update the containers and verify functionality, before purging old images
    • I then check for updates on my OPNsense firewall, and do a controlled update if required (needs me to jump onto a specific wireless SSID to be able to do so)
    • Finally, my two internet-facing hosts (Nginx reverse proxy and Wireguard VPN server) auto-update their OS and packages using unattended-upgrades, so I test inbound functionality on those

    What I still want to do is develop some Ansible playbooks to deploy unattended-upgrades across my fleet (~40ish Debian/docker LXCs). I fear I have some tech debt growing on those hosts, but have fallen into the convenient trap of knowing my internet-facing gear is the always up to date, and I can be lazy about the rest.