DroneRights [it/its]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023

  • IMO most “flashy” frameworks betray the principle of high cohesion. Importing a time library to handle timezones is a great idea. Importing a math library to calculate derivatives is common sense for good reason. But huge frameworks that change the entire way a language is written are ridiculous. I’m looking at you, Vue and Tailwind. I usually see these sorts of frameworks used by people who aren’t qualified programmers and who don’t know software architectures or best practices. In other words, the kinds of people who get promoted to management positions and tell us what frameworks to use.

    (Typescript is awesome though)

  • Torrenting is a technology where a network of ordinary people share a file in tiny pieces all together. There’s no central server, you connect to one, ten, or a hundred other computers who each give you part of the file.

    Torrenting only works if people are uploading the file as well as downloading it. Giving a file to others is called seeding, and taking a file from others without giving back is called leeching. Most people are peers, who take the same amount they give. Ideally, everyone would be a peer, but since some people are leeches, we also need seeders.

    I’m not familiar with this stremio app, but if it does what I think it does, then it takes from the network without giving back and it can now pretend to be a different client to sneak onto the network. If enough stremio users watch a show, it’ll become unavailable to other pirates.

  • Methane is easier to reduce than CO2. CO2 is the inevitable product of combusting any carbon based molecule, such as fossil fuels or organics. Methane is basically what happens when you take an organic molecule, and fail to burn it all the way. If you take your stack exhaust and expose it to more heat and enough oxygen, the methane will react to form water and CO2. For every methane molecule you combust to CO2, you will reduce its greenhouse effect to one twentieth of what it would have been, at least for its first couple decades in the atmosphere. So it is low hanging fruit with a big impact.

    CO2 emissions are harder to reduce, because in order to get rid of those you need to stop fucking burning carbon, and companies don’t want to do that. So the only way for a society to reduce carbon emissions is to transition to a model where capital does not control the economy. Whereas you can reduce methane emissions and still have capitalism if you just apply some gentle economic pressures.