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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Democrats are working on half the shit they claim to be protecting us from as we speak. Your first mistake is seeing Democrats as “left” even with quotes. Democrats are mid right to the Republicans far right.

    By “fascism with a pride flag” I mean they’re pushing a lot of the policies they said we have to vote D to prevent, and their blue MAGA accepts and defends it because apparently fascism is perfectly fine so long as we pay lip service to gays.

    (To be clear, I’m super ongoing with lgbtqia rights, but democrats are already wishy washy on trans rights and will go after gays soon enough so long as we keep rewarding them for sprinting further right.)

  • I’m open to to the fact that (like basically anything) it DOES happen at some point, somewhere. The problem with taking the people complaining that its this big systemic push to purge them seriously is even the examples THEY give usually show themselves just being twats.

    Also, as many people love screaming at me about “receipts,” if you’re getting banned left and right just for sharing a source and you’re so enraged that you’re taking up arms, where’s the modlog entries?

    Then, if it IS being mad that they’re being moderated for getting shitty and acting like a cunt - could I go into their house and start pissing all over whatever they’re about? Conservative spaces LOVE hyper moderation when it aligns with them, as I mentioned previously go find an instance that aligns with your shtick - that’s the whole Lemmy thing.

  • I’m not familiar with Voat. I’m not sure how it’d apply to something like Lemmy (probably fall on instance owners I guess) but the problem every “ultimate free speech TM” platform runs into is that laws exist and certain things are just illegal. 🤷

    The most notable thing about people who complain this loudly about moderation that doesn’t skew their way, is that they dont want LESS moderation - They want moderation that skews to their viewpoints. They complain about being banned on ml for saying “fuck you tankie” or other dismissive nonsense, but if you visit THEIR spaces and politely disagree and provide sources you’ll get banned quicker than anyone here but none of them cry about free speech when it happens on their turf.

  • Here’s an idea, block .ml and SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.

    It feels like 30% of all Lemmy use is capitalists whining that they don’t have a central anti leftist authority to block everyone they don’t like, by linking the same two fucking posts from over at least 1 year ago or posts where they “argue” by shouting “fuck you Tankie” and it didn’t go their way.

    If you don’t like how its run, leave. THATS THE WHOLE POINT. If you want a central authority thats gonna be strongly pro-capital, go back to Reddit. Either way: