Feliskatos 🐱


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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024


  • How does Louisiana feel about beating the hell out of kids? I wondered so searched and results were primarily about kids being killed by beating. Not quite what I wanted, another search said Lousisana was rankied 49 in child well being. Yeah, that’s a little closer, but still not what I wanted. Per the Bible, you’re supposed to strike a kid with a rod to save their souls from sheol (which is another word for hell). Search says it’s Proverbs 23:14, though I’m not gonna look, there are several different variants. My question is, since the bible actually says to beat the hell out of kids, has Lousiana immunized parents who do so? Or is this just more religious BS? Shove the 10 commandments down kids throats but still jail parents who beat the sheol out of kids? Legal contradictions.

    Edit: Found it: Louisiana Child Abuse Laws - FindLaw

    It seems it’s illegal to beat the hell out of kids, but that’s pretty much what the bible tells parents to do. Posting the 10 commandments is some kind of police state entrapment.

  • If I could afford to, I’d buy an electric car. Tester shouldn’t have to justify this to anyone one, particularly other members of the legislature, who are bullying him. Electric cars are a big part of stopping climate change. If climate change isn’t stopped, we’re all gonna go extinct in a few more generations. Animals can only survive in a narrow temperature band that doesn’t evaporate all the water from the land surfaces. The fossil fuel lobbyists are literally advocating slow genocide, and are undoubtedly behind the bullying. And they’d just call it bread and circuses.