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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • I think you have a valid point that echo chambers are bad, and that we should all strive to find good sources and not just rely one one side of the story.

    But -

    I think we have. Lots of people understand that idea, and lots of people have kept open channels to ideas outside what they believe. And I can only speak for myself, but MY “other side” time observing and participating in conservative forums online, talking with people in my very-red state, and watching Fox News, has done nothing to convince me that i need to hear one god-damn word from either of those two lying, conniving jack-asses.

    One dude’s opinion. Your mileage may vary. Please consult your doctor before starting any kind of exercise program. Thanks for your time.

  • Not OP but for me, I think it pivots on the permission of those who knew the comedian best and who might be hurt the most by not asking.

    Whether AI writes the jokes, some 3rd party, or the comedian themself did, does the family want that out there, or would it be painful for Robin Williams’ family (remember that he killed himself) to watch a computer ape Williams’ comedy? If you’ve had a loved one pass away, would you want to be asked before someone made an AI of them performing jokes? And would it make it better or worse if the AI did an inferior job of replicating the original person?

    Even if Carlin had planned a show, if the wishes of the family were that it be performed by Carlin himself or nobody, then I don’t think anyone had the right to turn an AI loose on the material to “give it a shot”.

    Beyond that, I wonder if they have the legal right to use Carlin’s likeness, mannerisms, etc.