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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • I can’t speak on all inuit communities, but I know enough to know that you are ignorant.

    I know that Greenlanders are allowed to hunt whales of varying degrees of endangerment with traditional tools in small numbers in order to preserve cultural heritage.

    This is less sustainable and surely less humane than Faroese practices. Whether it’s worth persevering the heritage is a completely different question.

    The reason why SS target the Faroes is because if the gory images of slaughtering in the open combined with the general ignorance of the rest of the would on the topic.

    There are many nations that do whaling, none of whom do it more humanely than the Faroes, yet only a few are harassed by SS, and none to the same degree.

  • Since the eighties Sea Shepherd, led by Paul Watson, has been using images from Faroese whale slaughter to spread propaganda in order to gain financial support and volunteers. If you have seen images of a bays surrounded by green mountains coloured red in the blood of pilot whales. That’s my people.

    Don’t get me wrong. Those images are real, thought often over saturated for dramatic effect. But everything else told by SS is either exaggerated or blatant lies.

    These lies garner attacks on anyone remotely contacted to the Faroe Islands (often also Denmark, because uninformed people don’t know the difference). Even children are fair game. Kids are taught not to post anything Faroes related, because they WILL be harassed for it.

    Don’t believe me? Go to any r/travel or r/EarthPorn post about the Faroes and you will see comments wishing death upon the poster and all the inhabitants. We are all guilty by association.

    You should be able to get your point across without spreading lies and hatred. Especially when it comes up whaling. But it’s not about the whaling itself. It’s about getting people riled up so they join your cult.