• 38 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • As far as I know, everyone dreams every night…it’s part of the sleeping process…but you usually forget it ASAP so it seems like you didn’t dream.

    As for dreams I remember…less often as I get older, I find. Although I do get a few vivid dreams when using magnesium supplements, but I also acclimate to those quickly. And if I’m woken prematurely, sometimes a dream sticks around a bit more than it otherwise would.

  • People reading along here should note this person is trying to turn blue states purple, they admit it with their own words, and they are appealing to morality to lure suckers in.

    As if nobody but them is a moral person


    But a lot of us have religious triggers planted deep, yeah? That if you toddle along with the person claiming they are of virtue, maybe you’ll be a good person too?


    Vote like your hair is on fire, because if assholes like this fine upstanding “moral” person has their say and causes blue voters to stay home, we’re gonna be fucked, just as we were before. They’re trying the same tactic that worked before even to give us Trump. And why wouldn’t they? It worked.

    No state is “safe” from flipping.

    Also note that playing with voting demographics is why a lot of the anti-abortion laws are being pushed…to cleanse purple states of blue voters by driving them out. So when you see anyone encouraging you not to vote because a state is safe, understand it’s part of an effort to flip states from blue or purple to red.

  • Nah, you say it to sap unity and make people stay home from voting.

    Your vibe is the same as the girls who say they bluntly “tell it as they see it” in their dating profile, but anyone with any relationship experience knows that means they’re completely willing to make things toxic as fuck because they’ll just vomit their selfish so called truth anywhere without caring about consequences or how it destroys, because it serves some sort of other motivation for them.

    Using words to encourage people to embrace hopelessness and not vote is a propaganda technique to put Trump back in the Whitehouse, and him being there weakens the nation so immensely and catastrophically that it’s extremely attractive to cash and weapons poor enemies to plop someone in front of a cheap computer to spread propaganda to attempt to destroy a nation from within. People who can’t fight the US with military might will use words instead.

    In short, your words are not neutral. You’re either what is called a useful idiot, an ordinary person who swallowed outside propaganda whole and does the work of other interests here, or you’re a knowing perpetrator.

    I hope people here use whatever skills they picked up in English class however many years ago to think about not just the exact words of the poster I’m responding to, but why they posted this thing at this moment, their motivations beyond what they claim they are, and the effects of an appeal to truth on a reader and how that can influence perception even when the thing said isn’t actually necessarily true or contains such a small flake of some truth that it is effectively turns into a lie when put beside the bigger and more vast and complicated truths.

  • Oh, there’s young racist fucks too.

    I was out doing some outdoor work last week, and I’ve basically the skintone of a vampire so I cover up, so I had a big unstylish fishing hat with a neck protector on. And some kids from the local junior high mocked me in terrible Spanish as they walked home. (And by terrible, I mean I could identify how bad it was and I haven’t had Spanish classes in 20+ years and never was fluent in it and I could still tell it was bad.)

    I’m not even Hispanic, but it made me mad enough with it happening just one time that it hurts inside to know similar stuff happens on a daily basis to other people. And some of it totally comes from young racist fucks.

  • Oh! You reminded me. So, I learned that vitamin C, ascorbic acid, is basically a tart flavor. I already got a big tub of powdered vitamin c since I tend to struggle to keep it in my diet in other ways–but that kind of evolved to using it to flavor other drinks to “brighten” them a bit, because it’s just as much flavor as it is a vitamin. It basically turns drinks into almost-lemonade, without the lemon flavoring, and just the bright somewhat tart flavor.

    What’s your favorite mio flavor?

  • House phones were a great source of entertainment in the 80s.

    I never experienced this myself, but your comment here reminded me that in rural areas, some people’s homes would be on a “party line”. Meaning, one phone number for several houses, and I guess all the phones in all the houses on the party line would ring if it was called? And neighbors could just pick up their handset quietly and listen into calls and snoop and get gossip that way if the people talking didn’t watch what they said over the phone?

    And even in homes that had their own dedicated number, you could quietly lift any phone handset in the house and listen in. If you were careful the other people talking would never know someone else was listening in.

  • I’ve noticed how cheap TVs are. I was thinking of getting one for like the first time in decades and I got sort of reverse sticker shock at how much screen you can get for so cheap a price.

    Hand in hand with that, there’s a lot more marketing gobbledy-gook out there trying to upsell schmucks on features that are only marginally better, probably because basic large TVs are so cheap now. So they try hard to get people to upgrade more frequently than needed, or to get features that probably won’t make one iota of a difference in the viewing experience, just to sell more units/pricier units.