What the fuckery fucking witchcraft is this
What the fuckery fucking witchcraft is this
Spotydown.media worked for me, but sometimes it gets stuff so wildly wrong that i am guessing he pulls the stuff from another library and takes the closest match for the name. Doesnt seem to be YouTube though, never had intros, outros or music video noises
deleted by creator
You look very handsome in that picture with you little shirt young man!
I envy you. Had to discuss with esos way to much
Fair point. But weaker encrypted as for example WhatsApp, which at least tells you its e2e, even if meta holds the keys.
“The encrypted Telegram, with clo…”
Just a remidner that Telegramm is NOT encrypted by default (you need to Start a secret chat) and groups are NEVER encrypted
Found in a random disc
Already disabled in fennec. What does it do?
Calibre has an Export Funktion which may ve of use
Yeah i know your right… I just don’t have it in me, chronical lurker :(
When you are happy about a repost of an old meme, because at least it was good, it tells a lot about the state of the Lemmy meme scene…
Also ein Arbeitszeugnis bekommst du eigentlich IMMER wenn du irgendwo gearbeitet hast und aufhörst, meist ist das standard procedere und die Personalabteilung gibt dir das/schickt es dir zu, oft klappt das aber auch nicht von alleine und man muss darauf hinweisen, dass man ein recht auf so ein Dokument hat. Die MÜSSEN dir also eins ausstellen, egal wie wenig sie dich mögen. Es kann dann aber natürlich entsprechend schlecht ausfallen
Außerdem Achtung, da gibt es ne Menge geheimcodes die man da rein schreiben kann, deswegen vorher mal googlen (hat für ausgelassene Stimmung am Arbeitsplatz gesorgt = hat auf arbeit gesoffen. O.ä.)
Yeah, sounds like its the same. Do debit cards also have a pin (so you can’t get money put of people once you have stolen it or they put it in your terminal once?)
Well girocards will give the shop the permission to make a one time withdrawal of the amount displayed on the screen, if that money is in your account. If the money isn’t in your account, the payment will not go through. Also if the shop wants to make a second withdrawal, you need to insert your card again and enter your (secret) pin again, they can’t choose what’s charged an when (only before you insert your card an pin, and only THIS transaction will be authorized).
Its a pretty secure system, as (as long as the card terminal isn’t hacked) you can’t spend more than you have, you don’t need to trust shops to only withdraw the agreed amount, and they can’t charge you a second time. Also the spending shows up on your account balance normally within 1 or 2 days.
From what I understand credit cards just let anyone make withdrawals of any amount, as soon as you know the numbers written on the card. So not only you need to trust the shop to withdraw only the correct amount, you need to keep track over you spendings really good, because they could just charge you an arbitrary amount of money on an arbitrary company name months after you gave them your details. Also from what I understand (normal) credit cards just will always work, and if you pay more than you have you just automatically accept a credit contract you need to pay back to your bank. Also (years ago, don’t know if still true) payments get charged to your bank account on bulk at the end of the month, which makes security and not spending to much even harder.
Yeah, this sounds reasonaboe, guess I habe to check if my Bank offers something like that. Credit cards are quite uncommon where I live, most people just use normal girocards for paying in shops and stuff (or physical money)
Yeah, maybe a good idea to look into stuff like this. Do you know privacy friendly ones (who don’t sell or record your purchase history)?
All data sucking big corporate leeches. I wish giropay would take off more
Same, cant use half of online services because I can’t have PayPal (and don’t want a credit card for security concerns)
Is this supposed to be mock up german? Not German words, not German accsent and word composition rather Scandinavian.