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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 22nd, 2023


  • Alright, not that I wrote or implied that anywhere… In fact Java was probably the whole reason Oracle bought Sun to gain leverage over Android. Which fits very much into what I wrote - one company innovates, another one buys them to squeeze users (Google wasn’t a customer of Sun, they used their own implementation which wasn’t exactly Java but also not exactly anything else). Just that Sun by all means wasn’t a small company, I mean they controlled almost a full stack with their own processors (SPARC), workstations and servers (Blade was somewhat famous), an operating system with Solaris (and if you want to count it even JavaOS) and Java on top of those, and they contributed a lot of technology like NFS, ZFS (license discussions aside). On the other hand, when they bought someone, the product wasn’t just milked to death, but actually integrated into their stack and continued to be developed in the open.

    Shame it turned out that way, I guess Sun was a bit overleveraged with how much they did vs. how much they made from it. And to think that Oracle paid less than a fifth than what Twitter sold for later for all of that technology to go to waste, just for a chance to sue Google… But we long as suits continue to license their stuff because they have cool advertisements at airports, this will keep going.

  • Oracle was never really innovative on a technical level , it’s first and foremost a company focused on selling licenses, and they’re really innovative in that regard but if you fall for that as a company, I have no pity, this is their whole schtick.

    Big companies in general are often rather conservative in nature while innovation happens on smaller scale and later expands.

    The big problem is rather that a lot of innovation has been absorbed by the big companies via buyouts, especially when money was cheap to borrow. Innovation bears risk, buying an established solution and milking existing users much less so.

    I don’t think the users are without blame. A lot of people ignore the red flags when a solution is just convenient enough (we need the commercial support / this exactly covers our use case so we don’t have to hire someone to adapt it / …) and the vendor then cashes out when moving away from his solution would be really expensive.

    I think there’s still a lot of innovation lately, but a lot people are just looking for the next big thing that does everything it feels like.

  • Allerdings ist die Frage, ob diese Polder was geändert hätten und ob sie schon einsatzbereit gewesen wären.

    Ist es das wirklich? “Handeln damals hätte ja vielleicht eh nix gebracht” ist ein sehr schwaches Argument. Wäre der damalige Grund gewesen, dass die Lösungen bis zum Eintreffen einer Katastrophe nicht fertig seien, hätte man die Leute längst evakuieren müssen und wenn sie nicht ausreichend gewesen wären, andere Lösungen vorschlagen. Sich jetzt die Frage zu stellen ist etwas spät, die verantwortlichen Parteien sitzen seit Jahren dort auf den Posten und reden erst das Problem weg und verhindern dann mögliche “Lösungen” (die aber eigentlich auch nur die Auswirkungen abschwächen). Wenn einer besoffen in ein anderes Auto fährt stellt sich ja auch nicht die Frage ob das nüchtern nicht sowieso auch passiert wäre.

  • If you actually try to understand what’s happening, I think it’s one of the best ways to learn how a system is composed, at least if you install manually. What’s a partition, file system, what does mounting do, chroots, you name it.

    I don’t use Arch anymore but still think it’s a great distro to learn the basics while still having the luxury of new binary packages. Manual Arch install abstracts basically nothing away from you, for better or for worse.

    Currently on NixOS, I’d say while its engineering is better overall, the things you learn there are much more distribution-specific or maybe concept-specific and often not applicable to other distributions.

    I guess there are also probably ways to install e.g. Debian manually, I’ve never seen instructions for it though as there was always the focus on the installer, and frankly I’m not a big fan of apt and all. It always seemed to be much more convoluted than pacman plus it does a lot of stuff for you, whether you want it or not was my impression.

  • Damn I love Don Rosa comics.

    Is this from the one where they found Croesus’ vault to make the amulet from his lucky coin?

    Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck is also not only a happy story about him getting rich, but also about becoming lonely and somewhat bitter in the later stories.

    Highly recommend reading them, Disney likes sweep them under the rug for whatever reason.

    The treasure hunt series (where I think this picture is from) is a bit more light-hearted in nature, but still very good.