• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Even if you wanted to vote for Biden you won’t be able to because he’s not going to be on the ballot either.

    Edit: Obviously Biden is going to be on the ballot, I made this comment just to see how the person I was replying to would reply. Their original post is a lie (Trump will still be on the ballot), and their reply to my comment confirms that they’re either a failing comedian or intentional misinformation spreader.

  • I don’t have a position on cell phone interfaces and hadn’t planed to give one. No skin in this game, really, though it’s clearly a contentious issue!

    I just can’t help but notice when people are being terrible conversation partners, mostly. Me finding you to be an asshole has nothing to do with how I feel about cell phone ports.

    Anyone fucking stupid enough to think the 3.5mm Jack is a good thing deserves the disappointment they feel every time a device doesn’t have own, tbh, bring it on themselves

    Are you 12?

  • Belittling people is rarely a good dialectical tactic, and speaks to your own level of maturity. If this is the type of discourse employed by green party supporters and campaign volunteers, I’ll be staying away.

    Based on what I’ve seen of your post history here, you’re a combative ideologue who’s not interested in building anything other than ill-will, with seemingly zero desire to talk about anything that doesn’t give you an opportunity to aggressively proselytize. You seem to turn every conversation you have into an abrasive display of your moral superiority, repeating the same talking points ad nauseum while abandoning any points that shift out of your favor.

    Perhaps you hope that you can activate non-voters with your accusatory, venomous, divisive rhetoric, but I struggle to see how that strategy will be beneficial should a Green candidate make it to the Presidency. Coalition building with the Democratic party will absolutely be necessary to get Green legislation through congress early on; It seems short-sighted to belittle and alienate those who vote closest to your interests on the political spectrum by equating them with those who vote furthest from your interests. Ideals are important, but game theory underpins all political action and must be considered.

    Further, RCV does not require the Green party to be implemented. Many states have been experimenting with RCV (and other alternative voting systems) without leadership from the Green party (source). That trend has been picking up steam across the nation.

  • The term is named after the American policy analyst Joseph Overton, who proposed that an idea’s political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians’ individual preferences. … The Overton window is an approach to identifying the ideas that define the spectrum of acceptability of governmental policies. It says politicians can act only within the acceptable range. Shifting the Overton window involves proponents of policies outside the window persuading the public to expand the window.


    Data does not actually support the idea that politics are shifting right:

    The title of your article is literally:

    America More Liberal than 50 Years Ago—But Change Not Reflected in Its Politics

  • Yes! Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.

    Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.

    Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.

    There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.

  • I would genuinely like to see Edge open all 848 tabs I have hoarded over 61 Chrome windows. I wonder if it could do it faster than Chrome manages. After rebooting, Chrome reopens, with all my tabs intact, in about 5 minutes. Provided a sanitary shutdown, that is. It takes more like 15 minutes for it to become responsive again after a (rare) crash.

    Clearly I have lost control of my life.

    And yes, before you get on my case, I am working on switching back to Firefox after using Chrome for the last decade. It just takes a long time to pare down all these tabs.

  • Not to mention bumpers that fail right after the warranty expires! Can’t wait!

    Worst $180 I ever spent. My Xbox Elite Series 2 controller’s bumper died a week after my warranty expired. I’d barely had time to use it that year, and didn’t abuse it in any way. I have controllers from 2002 that still work flawlessly after thousands of hours of service. Somehow Microsoft figured out how the make the least durable, most expensive controller ever. Never again, MS. Never again. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me… you can’t get fooled again.