• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • Wow, I really appreciate you taking the time. I’m bookmarking this. Thanks, Dan!

    As I look to upgrade or re-factor the server a bit, I’m gonna take a closer look at Podman. Not running as root by default sounds extremely sensible!

    I tried that with a few of my Docker containers with results ranging from “Did it actually do it?” to “Nice job breaking it, hero.” Lol

    OMV has a really nice Docker GUI built in, but I’d much rather be ready to understand the open-for-all solution if I could. :)

    Hope you have a great one!

  • Meme gave me a laugh. XD

    I see people not happy with Docker as a company, and, I get that, tech co. Lol

    But I gotta admit, it’s definitely been awesome for self hosting. My home server would probably just be OpenMediaVault and a Samba share if I couldn’t just spin up compose files and had to worry about every app wanting its own database and stuff!

    Are there better alternatives for newbs who just wanna self host stuff?

  • Yeah search is pretty useless now. I’m so over it. Trying to fix problems always has the top 15 results be like:

    “You might ask yourself, how is Error-13 on a Maytag Washer? Well first, let’s start with What Is a Maytag Washer. You would be right to assume washing clothes has been a task for thousands of years. The first washing machine was invented…” (Yes I wrote that by hand, how’d I do? Lol)

    It’s the same as how I really stopped caring if crypto was gonna “revolutionize money” once it became a gold rush to horde GPUs and subsequently any other component you could store a hash on.

    R&D and open source for the advancement of humanity is cool.

    Building enormous farms and burning out powerful components that could’ve been used for art and science, to instead prove-that-you-own-a-receipt-for-an-ugly-monkey-jpeg hoping it explodes in value, is apalling.

    I’m sure there was an ethical application way back there somewhere, but it just becomes a pump-and-dump scheme and ruins things for a lot of good people.

  • Totally feel ya on Mint. I put it on my X230 just now because I wasn’t planning on booting it up too often and didn’t want a massive update causing issues down the line. Super stable, super user friendly. I always recommend it to newcomers. Lovely experience!

    Haha yeah Tumbleweed is an interesting name. Suppose it’s because it’s always “rollin’ rollin’ rollin’”. Constantly in motion!

    I’d caution against it on low-data capped internet plans for instance, because it updates fairly often, sometimes 1GB or more. But also plenty of people update like once a week and it’s good. I update pretty much every day. It’s kinda compulsive for me and I like to see if anything is fixed or new. :p

    So that’s one cool thing it has over *buntu and friends: Newest and shiniest features, but they’ve been tested a bit more thoroughly than on something like Arch, and if it does go bad, you can boot into a “snapshot” and wait until a newer update hopefully fixes whatever borked it.

    But I haven’t had to roll back in ages. :)

    I like keeping on the edge of KDE6 right now because it’s improving very quickly. Same with Wayland, even though some programs are still fussy with it. (You can have X11 and Wayland both, and choose which to use upon login)

  • That’s the big clincher with laptops. The dang funky-shaped terminal-soldered batteries. Argh.

    I just put Mint on my X230, it even has one of those nicer big capacity batteries! But it definitely doesn’t last like it.

    I wish there were better ways to fit newer battery arrangements into these discontinued proprietary slots without risking the fakes market. 😬

  • I’m actually excited at how great Linux gaming has become. I might keep my Win10 install around solely for VR games MAYBE. (I have a WMR headset. Womp womp…)

    But I’m not worried at all, for when they “drop support” and I can just continue on doing all the important stuff on Linux with hardly a passing thought. Thanks for the extra disk space, Microsoft!

  • I would suggest if you want some up-to-date awesomeness, try OpenSUSE Tumbleweed!

    Rolling release sounds scary, but even aside from enabling BTRFS snapshots by default, it’s surprisingly stable, and has proprietary NVIDIA drivers!

    Granted, I don’t game (that’s all my Win10 partition is for right now lol), but I do Blender and other creative tasks snd it’s amazingly snappy and fun.

    Wayland is “getting there” on a user experience level, but as for buttery smooth frame rates and stuff, it feels like a new machine on my 144hz / 60hz dual monitor setup.

    I’m running a single 3090, but I’m sure it could handle dual-GPU!

  • I keep hearing stories like this but all I see in thrift stores are like busted DVD players and other grimey old stuff that was second-rate even when released. In that awkward valley where it’s not vintage, and newer stuff is objectively better.

    I think people caught on and the good finds are pushed to their auction sites and stuff now. =\

    I’m happy with my X230 I got for $200 off eBay though, like 5 years back.¯_(ツ)_/¯