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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I’m on a combo binge. Recently I read an obituary for CJ Sansom, a writer of historical detective fiction. I’d never heard of him, but the books sounded good so I started reading them. Next thing I see there’s a TV series, Shardlake (Disney+), so now I’m watching that. Pretty well done, and the lead actor is great. (On to the third book in the series now.)

  • For me olives were an acquired taste.

    The first time I ate in a restaurant I was about 12 I think. It was a fancy Italian place. When I saw the dishes of (green, pimento-stuffed) olives on the table I was excited to try one. I’d only ever seen pictures of them in American magazines - this was mid-60s New Zealand, Coca Cola was exotic. I put one in my mouth, and almost gagged, the flavour was so completely awful. I spat it into a napkin.

    Fast forward to today, and I would gladly hoover up the whole dishful and ask for more. My favourite olive is a big fat juicy Kalamata. I also love tapenade made with black olives. The only olives I dislike are the flavourless cardboardy lumps sometimes passed off as olives.

  • Single about 25 years. I’m 71 and I absolutely love my life. I have lots of friends and a very active life, but I love coming home and being alone there. Before menopause I had a strong libido and terrible taste in men, so I had a lot of truly awful relationships, with endless drama.

    It’s kind of by choice I guess, though I don’t get offers. A few years ago a guy gave me the eye and I contemplated it, until I caught sight of his bare feet. Oh dear god no. Self-care is important mate, you need to see a podiatrist.

    The main con of being single for me is not enough hugs and cuddles. The pros are too many to give up for that though. I get to decide everything and make plans based on what I want. I can fart loudly, talk to my potplants and be lazy without Someone rolling their eyes, it’s bliss.

  • The one eclipse I saw was in cloud, and I was surprised at how intense the experience still was. At the moment of totality, all the light seemed to suck away quite suddenly, even though it had obviously been getting darker gradually. It felt very eerie and a little frightening.

    I was in Cornwall in the UK, and the amusing thing was seeing the sparkle of people’s camera flashes going off all along the stretch of coast. I’d love to see those photos. “This might look like a picture of a fence taken at night, but trust me, it was 11am in summer…”