• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • When you name yourself @Burn_The_Right, you make it clear whether you are targeting a specific group or everyone in a certain political direction.

    When you make statements like:

    Biden is a neo-liberal. Neo-liberals are conservatives. They are better dressed and more intelligent, but they are conservatives by all international measures.

    Or dismiss 40-year democrats as conservatives:

    Who are you calling “we”? A quick check of your comment history shows you are a conservative.

    You make it clear whether you mean a single group or everyone who doesn’t share your brand of liberalism.

    Combined with:

    Conservatism is the biggest threat to humanity on planet earth. All means to extinguish an infestation are justified.

    or this gem: Edit: fixed broken link.

    Not everyone is willing to do what’s necessary to cure the disease. I am willing. If that makes me a monster, then I am the monster they themselves created.

    Conservatism is a plague of oppression and death.

    You can pretend that you are not an intolerant bigot advocating for mass-murder, but your own words betray you.

    Reading through the constant fountain of hate that you spew in your comments makes it clear just how big of a problem Lemmy has right now. The vast majority of you comments are pushing for at least two-thirds of society to be “extinguished”.

    I have seen whole instances defederated for having a user say less violent and bigoted things than your comments do.

    Is this the centrist part, where some violence is ok?

  • Marginalize hate by becoming hate.

    Teaching children to hate, especially dogmatic hate, is disgusting even when one’s stance is morally correct. If a stance is just, then by teaching children ethics and critical thinking they will come to the correct conclusion on their own. When one uses the exact same playbook as the worst parts of the group they hate, they become the worst part of the group they represent.

    Since some people don’t seem to realize what a bigot actually is:

    bigot - bĭg′ət - noun - One who is strongly partial to one’s own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

    Edit: Phrasing, mostly replacing the word “you” with generic pronouns.

  • I had no idea this was a thing despite also having it directly on my walls.

    When I read your statement, I was like wait… I think that is what my wall says and had to go check.

    The lady that lived here before me put that and some other weird word art on the walls. Been meaning to get around to peeling it off and repainting, but keep finding other priorities.