• 6 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • I’m someone who loves cooking. In terms of cooking performance, gas stoves are unbeatable. They can output so much more heat than electric stoves and the way it is emitted means that it can travel up the sides of pans, which is important to me because I am Chinese and like cooking with a wok. You just can’t get the same thing with an electric stove. In addition to that, they get hot as soon as you turn the dial and can cool back down just as quickly.

    I understand that induction and electric are better for the environment and the morally correct choice, but they really do deliver an inferior cooking experience for me.

  • I think most of the complaints are that Microsoft Office doesn’t work. Which is true. The web version of Microsoft Office is honestly kinda terrible.

    And no, people don’t want to use a product that does the same thing as Microsoft Office, they want to use a product called “Microsoft Office”. No, it’s not logical, and doesn’t make any sense at all but it’s how people are.

  • I don’t believe it is correct to call them “Palestinian” figures. There is no unified government in Palestine. There is a collection of multiple organisations exercising various amounts of authority over the Palestinian territories. The figures from the Gaza Health Ministry regarding civilian casualties are probably close to reality. But that doesn’t mean anything else is accurate. I give credibility to the Gaza Health Ministry on the topic of civilian death counts and other related humanitarian figures only.

  • Yes, firing missiles at Tel Aviv would be a legitimate military tactic, as long as you’re actually aiming for military targets and not just shooting randomly.

    This is like saying that the Reich Chancellery and the Führerbunker are in Berlin and questioning whethering bombing Berlin is a legitimate tactic. Of course it is. You just have to hit actual targets.

    Israel definitely has the capability to hit targets with precision. They have the best weapons in the world, courtesy of the United States. But there’s been too many “oopsies, we obliterated the entire neighbourhood killing a thousand civilians” for it to be merely sloppy aim.

  • Although I don’t deny that the Israeli military is generally quite reckless with civilian casualties (and this is probably purposeful to an extent), it’s also true that Hamas doesn’t exactly pick the most civilian-free areas to set up their base of operations either.

    Like, if Hamas sets up shop in an orphanage with 100 kids inside, the IDF will bomb it to smithereens without second thought and kill all 100 just to get the 3 Hamas commanders inside, as long as none of those children were Israelis. That kind of scenario. The next day, Hamas blames Israel for killing 100 innocent children and Israel blames Hamas for endangering them in the first place.

    So it’s not fair to finger only one side when both parties to this conflict are so unapologetically shit and treat the rules of war like an achievements list.