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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • PSA: It is possible to get stomach ulcers if you consistently take ibuprofen for too long. This is dangerous because these ulcers have a risk of becoming cancerous.

    I was ulcerated because of undiagnosed chronic pain that was not taken seriously until I fucked up my stomach by taking max dose of ibuprofen for months to deal with the unending pain and suffering. Don’t do that. Instead, find a doctor who gives a shit if you can afford it, or take CBD or marijuana if you can’t.

  • Because having one plumber fix 10 houses is fundamentally different from having a landlord oversee fixing 10 things in the same house.

    Imagine if every mechanic only fixed one part of the car and you had to go to 10 different ones to fix 10 different things. No mechanic would be able to point to what’s wrong with the whole car and can only tell you what’s wrong with each part.

    There is a degree of vertical integration needed to maintain a single dwelling. As an example, I wanted to replace my stove that had a broken oven. In order to do so, I needed to fix the gas line. However, I need to finish removing an old gas furnace and installing a heat pump. In order to do that, I needed to repair the broken sewer lines under the unit, and in order to do that, I needed to resolve a dispute with the city over sewer line maintenance (they admitted fault eventually).

    This wasn’t just a bunch of small projects that 10 people could each do one of. There were a myriad of dependencies and choices to make that would affect other parts of the house.

    Funny enough, the same principle is part of why the US healthcare system is so shit because the lack of vertical integration due to the insurance system is why patients have such a hard time getting the diagnosis and medications they need. If you or a family member has multiple health issues, you may be familiar with this.

    My point is, keeping a house alive isn’t some group project that you can get 10 people to each do a little bit of. At the end of the day there are executive decisions that will determine the outcome of other parts of the house.

  • There’s a lot to unpack out of this reddit moment.

    If we want people to take us seriously about advocating for reform in this housing crisis, this ain’t it. Stripping nuance out of the conversation isn’t helping the cause, it just makes us look uninformed.

    Yes, the vast majority of landlords charge too much and do to little. But claiming that no work is required to be landlord does two things:

    1. It absolves the landlord of the responsibility to maintain the property

    2. It diminishes the scope of the work required to provide people with affordable housing and doesn’t set clear goals to accomplish

    There is a rule of thumb called the unrecoverable costs to owning which is typically 5% of the property’s value. This goes towards plumbing, electrical work, landscaping, HVAC repairs, roof work, pest control, interior upkeep, and much more. The reality is that a property doesn’t take care of it self and someone has to.

    Yes, the system is broken, rent is unaffordable, and home owner is neigh impossible these days. What we need is regulation on the housing market, getting rid of speculators, reform zoning laws for high density housing, public transit and good urban planning, more subsidized and public housing, etc.

    Even when you have all of that you will still need landlords, just not the kind that we have today. Because for housing to exist there is an inherent risk that somebody has to carry to guarantee the mortgage is paid for and that it will not go up in flames.

  • Unspoken curses of each item:

    Magic blanket - you will never get to taste a cold drink or feel a cool breeze again

    Good dream pillow - you will be asleep every hour of sundown to sunrise

    Cuddly bear - you will always feel empty when you are not hugging it

    Endless candle - you will never feel stressed enough to feel the need to be productive again

    Favorite mug - you will never get your hot drinks back

    Treasure stone - you will progressively devolve into a narcissist the more you touch it

  • The replies in this post is precisely why we need better sex ed.

    There’s an astounding number of people who aren’t aware about PCOS or IBS and think that the woman in the ad is actually stupid for taking a pregnancy test.

    I have both, and my doctor had to give me an hGC test to rule out pregnancy because my abdomen was as bloated as the woman in the picture.

    Neither of these conditions are rare, and either one can cause bloating and swelling, often chronically, to this degree.

  • That’s antithetical to OP’s post though. The whole point is to keep an open mind and question everything.

    It’s not a bad thing to question your own identity. Question it, answer it, and then embrace it. That’s where personal growth comes from. Everyone has been doubtful of an identity before, because at the minimum we’ve all been teenagers at some point.

    Surpassing your own doubts about your identity is how you solidify your identity. When you’ve answered your own doubts, you will be ready to face anyone’s doubts about you.