Kiddo is not in the sudoers file.
This incident will be reported.
We had that joke in France about Arianne rocket;
For once we make a working thing we are dumb enough to throw it into space
But what if it return? Somehow?
Reminder to thanks your spam bot or anoying customer service for the informations it shares about Boeing executives
He can go with Almond
And now we use it to find kitties
Oh that was that kind of collar…
I hate having to put the labtop from work in here that bastard is heavy
We want you to enjoy solidarity and sharing that why BlueÆther posted a new link
I need a sugar daddy to bouhgt this on a t shirt with his bitcoins
He probably hit the sidewalk too hard
A chance he did not hurt anyone but himself
We accept your surrender
(déso c’est vrai que c’est prennant)
This shit is sold as the new Pixar
Yeah in a few months it will be a tool to help animators with shadows and lightings In some years it could produce a decent GIF of Pepe having sex with Sonic
At least it is less a scam than an NFT, still a scam
Still a waste of money and energetic ressources
Invest in it if you can, sure you can have a nice taxe refund in 3-5 years
It was a scam peoples
Targeted stupids investors were not supposed to share it
A large boulder (the sise of a tiny boulder)