• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • So prison might actually be worse, as it’ll get his voters out and then if he wins there’s no way he’ll go to prison or have any other trials.

    I said this a week ago, and got obliterated for it. I’m glad this concept seems to be resonating with other Lemmings now that some time has passed.

    I completely agree with your other analysis as well. If the goal is for Trump to get what he deserves from the long dick of the law then the only way that happens is if he loses this election.

    The last thing anybody who gives a fuck about the future of democracy in this country should want is to turn that cocksucker into a martyr five months out from the only personal referendum on his ideology that we are going to get.

  • You want to know what is even more fucked up. The Renton police King County Sherriff’s office was conducting an emergency response drill in the same parking lot less than 250 feet away from where his car was AT THE EXACT SAME TIME THIS HAPPENED. He didn’t have to “call the fucking police”, he could have literally rolled down his window and screamed for help, and they would have come running. Also the police station is literally like 3 blocks away from where this store is located anyway. Fuck this dumb cunt. If it was up to me he would be getting life in prison without the possibility of parole.

    Edit: (Source)

  • It does not help him among the Republicans who are passively accepting Trump, or anyone else.

    See, you say that, but that is a historically illiterate perspective. The guy feeds on the medias negativity bias towards him. It literally makes him stronger because the entire Republican media apparatus is now designed to spin any criticism or bad news about him into another attack vector for them to further erode democracy. Their messaging is so overwhelming that this firehose of falsehoods strategy has become unquestionably effective. It no longer matters what the facts are, it’s only about the vibes.

    So let me tell you how this is going to go: Trump is going to win because he is the ultimate martyr of white victimhood. The poor white working class will burn this country to the fucking ground before they allow anyone else to be doing perceptually better than them en masse. These people truly believe that the only thing better than helping someone up is standing on their fucking head and watching them drown. So, he is going to win because the American experiment has failed. You can take that to the bank because you know deep down I am exactly right.