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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I disagree. During the middle of one of his rambling, windbag rants at his largest nazi rally, he needs to have a Grand Mal seizure where he visibly pisses and shits himself, immediately followed by a near-fatal stroke that leaves him as a drooling vegetable on life support. May he be fully conscious while completely incapacitated and unable to speak as a team of brown-skinned, LGBTQ±and-proud-of-it nurses take turns being forgetful about emptying his colostomy bag while an AI bot scours the internet reading aloud every legit criticism of his entire pathetic life until, after enduring many, many years of this treatment, an obsessed fan finally works his way onto the night janitorial staff so he can get in the room alone with The Donald and live out his fantasy of making a human-centipede-like union by engaging in a “perfect” 69, causing DJT to die while asphyxiating on crazy janitor cock which, in turn, causes the janitor to choke himself to death on Don’s pathetic dick resulting in the final act of indignity as the janitor releases his bowels directly onto Trump’s face just before he finally loses consciousness.

    May the last thing Trump ever sees, as he chokes to death on smelly cock, be an extreme closeup of the hairy, unwashed ass of a MAGA lunatic as it pisses down Don’s throat and reenacts “2 Girls, One Cup” directly into his eyes.

  • I’ve found that the reaction to the word “moist” is highly dependent on the context. For example, a cupcake described as moist sparks a feeling of deliciousness, while some potting soil described as moist gives me a sense of completeness or stability (plants typically need moist soil to grow, so it’s a good thing). However, a bus seat described as moist triggers a feeling of revulsion.

    Context is key.

  • You’re blaming communism for what is, like everything else, a people problem. It doesn’t matter what system you’re talking about, there’s always bad actors and horrible people that you can point to and say “see? That’s why it’s bad!”

    Also, you are 17 and only really have the knowledge that you have been taught, and minimal experience living in the larger world. Most everything far you have learned has been what others have wanted you to learn. Once you get into the real world for a decade or two and start experiencing a full life, your views will change.

    Or you can resign yourself to a life in front of cable news and stay firmly locked into an opinion that others have given you.