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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Apparently you don’t live in Scotland (west coast at least). Spring may not be warm, but we get some clear dry days, and if you’re in the sun and out of the wind you can feel the heat. By summer it’s so muggy and humid that 15 degrees (Celsius) feels oppressive. I used to live in Australia but the (not-)heat here feels worse.

  • Sadbutdru@sopuli.xyztotumblr@lemmy.worldEggs
    3 months ago

    I used to live in this weird apartment building that once had been fancy, so it had large common areas with fitted carpet; but now was “significantly less desirable”, and residents used to let their dogs shit on the carpet. It was the cheapest 1-bed flat I could find at the time. 2/3 of the cars parked outside were recent BMW’s or Audi’s. Everyone will choose how they spend their own money, but some fall for the glamour of consumerism more than others, and for many young men with jobs but no families that means the coolest car you can manage, even if you have to live in a damp hovel and wade thru dog shit to get to it every morning 🤗

  • In terms of blood-borne viruses (like HIV and hepatitis), breast milk is considered in the same risk category as semen or vaginal secretions, only blood is higher. Whereas piss and shit are only considered a risk if they contain blood. Obviously there’s other reasons why you don’t want shit in your food, but it probably won’t give you anything really nasty and long-lasting. Piss it’s pretty much totally safe, but I reckon you could still get in trouble for secretly feeding it to someone.

  • I think we should try to answer this rather than just down voting. I think the difference is that conservative thinking led to the policy that led to the person being targeted, and possibly also to a climate of intolerance that made the attacker/s feel like they had the support of the community to do that. We’re not really talking about who is too blame for this individual instance (obviously that’s the person/s who manslaughtered this child). We’re talking bigger picture.

    When an immigrant commits a crime, I suppose you would argue that liberal thinking created the situation where that could happen, but I think it’s a false equivalence. Big picture immigrants don’t disproportionately commit crime, and there are major benefits that come with immigration. While trans people absolutely are disproportionately the victims of violence, and there are no real benefits to transphobic policies.

    I guess I haven’t done great at this, please other people build on this reply, it just felt wrong to see a fair enough question just being downvoted with no reply.

  • I listened to an interesting podcast about something like this, it might have been on 'cautionary tales '. Apparently at one point some Soviet area tried organising everyone’s days off in shifts instead of everyone taking Sunday off and factories lying idle. Basically tho you actually loose a lot of the social value of days off if you don’t get them at the same time as other people. Can’t visit your family or friends unless they have the same day off as you, for example. And what if your kid’s school’s day off isn’t the same as yours?