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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2024


  • It is crucial to understand, that the fight for the environment is an anti-colonial fight. It is the same system of oppression that is murdering activists in South and Central America, protesting illegal mining and logging and that is murdering the people in Gaza for beachfront property and enslaving children in cobalt mines in Congo.

    It is the same system of oppression that seeks to take land and resources from any native population they can oppress with violence. These fights are all interconnected and they are fights for the rights of the ordinary people vs. the power of capital and military might, serving the interests of a selected few.

  • I think this has important ramifactions for all non white Americans. The response to this will show, whether non white people are allowed to demand justice, or whether just asking a court to rule on a case, so the mere access the judicial system, is reserved to white people alone.

    It does not matter if the face of an administration or party is black, asian, a woman or of whichever marginalized group. The fundamental question is:

    Will people outside the white supremacy be allowed to seek justice from an independent court or not?

  • “curb” is a bit of a stretch. They merely limited 30 of over 300 arms export licenceses. It is a start, but there is still a long way to go. And every day that goes by wihtout a clomete military and economic exclusion of all illegal israeli activities from its supporters, more people are murdered, more land is stolen, more homes are destroyed, with the complicity of Israels supporters.

    The ICJ has concluded in its advisory opinion, that the occupation of Gaza, East jerusalem and the Westbank are all illegal and must end. It is complicity in crime to support these illegal occupations in any way, including by engaging economically with the occupation.

  • There is only two conditions under which this will stop:

    1. Israels supporters stop sending it weapons and pressure it into returning into it’s borders, as well as ending it’s occupations in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Westbank.

    2. Israel collapses into a civil war and subsequently as a nation as a result of the rifts over the hostages, the economic situation, the brutallity of the upcoming elites that have learned to murder, rape and plunder with impunity through the lack of accountability ensured by the US, UK, Germany and the like.

    The second one is inevitable if the first one is not achieved. But it will go along with even more genocide, ethnic cleansing and brutal violence. But the “supporters” of Israel must make no mistake. Every government, every nation like this will turn in on itself, after running out of “other” people to slaughter and subdue.

    Stopping Israel now is the only way to protect its citizens.

  • which brings us back to what @Buelldozer@lemmy.today said. I am sure there is a lot of activity of hacking and sabotaging things in Russia, that we simply don’t know about it. Western governments have an interest in attributing publicly known sabotages to Russia, to justify spending on countermeasures. Russia does not necessarily have an interest to tell its vulnerabilities to its own people and the Western government don’t necessarily have an interest in going public about their activities in Russia or about sabotages that did not go public.

    Note that whenever you hear about a hack or sabotage action being publicized, it is done so deliberately with a strategy. So in turn also don’t expect that we get to know the full extent of Russian hacking and sabotaging.

    Finally don’t expect that every attack that is attributed to some actor, actually was committed by that actor. If you want a glaring example of that remember how the Iraq invasion was sold as a response to 9/11 despite the attackers coming from Saudi Arabia.

  • In this case it is absolutely crucial, as one of the repeated arguments made by the genocide supporters is “its just war, they try to prevent civillian deaths” or “if it was genocide they would have killed much more people”

    These are lies. They are absolutely deliberate in what they do, and the realistic numbers prove that. The numbers of people officially recognised as dead has been rising only slowly since april/may. This is not because the killing and devastation have become less, they got worse. It is because the health system has collapsed after Israel made a point of destroying it.

  • It is more “we need to do what the nazis wanted to do, to keep them out. Oh why is this only making them stronger?”

    Germany just doubled down on massive anti immigration anti asylum (human right) anti privacy, anti free speech and anti free science and culture plans.

    The latest hack is a plan to have scientists and artists analyzed by the interior intelligence to make sure they are not “antisemitic” if they receive government funding.

    Meanwhile investments in infrastructure, education and social security are whacked, which drove a lot of people into the risk of poverty with the exploding prices.

    The Scholz government does everything they can to help the fascists rise to power.

  • Do we have any source aside from the IDF?

    Because already where they were supposedly found is based on what the IDF says. And we know that the IDF has been lying repeatedly throughout this war. We know that IDF soldiers have killed Israeli hostages before. We know about the Hannibal doctrin that dictates the IDF killing their own soldiers to prevent them from being captured alive. And the current political situation in Israel has become extremely critical of the IDFs failures to secure the hostages. So the IDF has an even greater incentive to downplay any possible responsibility.

    Until we have the results of a comprehensive investigation by a non IDF party, there is a lot more evidence we need to know before forming a judgement.