• 5 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2024


  • I know you have good intentions, but I just want to point that animals getting killed is part of the natural cycle and it happens in the wilderness literally millions of times a day.

    That’s the worst argument towards veganism.

    The two best arguments in my opinion are: the meat industry produces a ton of CO2, and we could feed more people with the same amount of land.

    I’m not entirely in support of veganism since I think that some animal protein is essential for the average person’s diet. But I certainly agree with the 2 reasons above.

  • It’s just a media game

    Every time Russia says “there will be consequences” they’re just throwing threats around like a dog barking from the other side of a fence

    All their cards are on the table. The only things they could pull off are drafting more people or going nuclear

    They’re now scrambling to find soldiers from other nations because announcing another draft would obviously shake Putin’s control over Russia

    I just wish Europe would stop playing this war like a political game. SEIZE RUSSIAN MONEY! What are you afraid of? Ruining relations with Russia? Fuck off! Ukraine won’t have people to fight forever

  • I could be wrong but I can see too much detail consistency to be AI generated. Perhaps it’s AI + Photoshop.

    I definitely can see one of the vertical wooden beams disappear behind the right elbow, it’s subtle but it looks like someone erased a small part of the beam where it touches the elbow

    There is a slim shadow cast by the chair on the wooden floor, on the right side of it’s silhouette. This feels very real. DSLR cameras can actually produce this effect tue to the few centimeters of distance from the flash source and the camera sensor

    But I feel like the same kind of shadow cast by the animal on the chair has a less real feel. Something about the mostly consistent thicnes of the shadow cast by the animal seems off to me, especially on the left side of the frame where this effect sound be reduced. So I think the chair and deck could be real, and the animal is likely edited.

    The smoke looks fake to me. There is a large cloud of smoke coming from the direction of the animal’s wrist and not from the cigarette. It also looks like it’s too much smoke to realistically come from an idle cigarette

    The animal is either a really good prop or really good Photoshop skills.

    I’d say most likely it’s AI + Photoshop. But it could also be just really good AI.