There was a great article in the Journal of Irreproducible Results years ago about the development of Artificial Stupidity (AS). I always do a mental translation to AS when ever I see AI.
There was a great article in the Journal of Irreproducible Results years ago about the development of Artificial Stupidity (AS). I always do a mental translation to AS when ever I see AI.
I would call him an ex-manager.
Dr Pepper , what ever their gender, is a quack.
If gdog05 can seal the doors, then they would both be tombs.
Figuring out what the code is doing is not the hard part. Documenting the reason you want it to do that (domain knowledge) is the hard part.
It’s not really related to the topic and reads more like an ad.
Move the boat north before hurricane season starts. Sounds like a major pain, now that I think about it.
You can when the boat is half way up the coast in the Chesapeake bay.
Where do they get cashews that cheap?
I live in a planned community where everything is supposed to be accessible by walking or biking. There are greenway paths all over the place. I generally drive because I can’t carry a weeks worth of food on my bike and most destinations don’t have a safe place to lock your bike up. An unattended bike seems to be considered a free bike.
Want to also recommend The Bobs and their Wash Cycle songs.
Fair enough. To be honest there is a lot of politics in over countries people in the US laugh about.
It’s like the ending of the movie Brazil. Pan back and we see Trump smiling to himself and one adviser says to another ‘we’ve lost him’.
I assume flour can have a lot of moisture weight to it, which may change depending on the location or season. Weight is still the better measure, but still not perfect.
Have you ever noticed the line outside the woman’s bathroom at an event? I prefer the two bathroom system.
I used to be deadly accurate throwing a paper book of matches. A useless skill even when they were readily available.
Not sure if this counts as cheaping out, but wait a year or so before buying computer games, when the price drops by 50% or more. Some never seem to price drop and others get really cheap right before the sequel comes out.
Reading MS description of Recall, I am struggling to come up with a scenario where it would be any use. Sounds like the backspace button would work almost as well at a fraction of the resources needed.
Bad idea to crush pills. Depends on the pill, but you could end up in the ER.
Many things that are solved by brute force could be greatly improved in a mathematical way. I have worked with a mathematician on one application to get past a speed bottle-neck, but that was a rare case.