• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月17日

  • Because Israel is a Jewish state?

    I tend to say Jew when when someone trends towards hating all Israelis, because hatred towards Israel is a common dog whistle for antisemites. After the “It’s ok to criticize Israel” meme went viral, many antisemites did a find and replace on “Jew” and changed it to “Israeli”. Those same antisemitic conspiracy theories most people would immediately denounced by most people before are now commonly spread simply because one word was changed. When I see those conspiracy theories espoused with one word different from the original, I bring it back to the original version. Why would I pretend that I don’t know the intent for these conspiracy theories?

    Sometimes it’s important to take what you’re saying and put the word Jew in there. If what you’re saying about Israel suddenly becomes uncomfortable when “Israeli” is replaced with “Jew”, then you should consider more carefully what you’re saying. Someone says “wipe them off the map” they are talking about the ethnic cleansing of Jews after all. Or do you honestly believe that those that want Israel wiped off the map would displace Arab Israelis along with the Jewish Israelis? Come on…

    The trick to avoid being a racist is introspection. Some consideration about whether your thinking is being guided by racism every now and then. If it’s uncomfortable to hear your rhetoric being applied to Jews rather than Israelis or “Zionists”, then maybe you should be checking how you’re thinking about things a little more.

    If me considering your rhetoric as being against Jews makes you uncomfortable, then good. Your discomfort might lead to introspection.

  • These propaganda memes are getting more and more bizarre. This is the “Promised Land” meme that from I can tell originated from a faked photo of a patch on an Israeli soldier a few weeks ago.

    Israel simply doesn’t have the capability to take that amount of territory, much less hold it. And see that blue on the Sinai peninsula? Israel actually controlled that in the past. They returned it to Egypt when they made peace in the 70s.

    This is the silliest anti-Israel meme yet. Try harder next time.

  • Aging boomers are costing the healthcare system a lot of money. So there’s a need to increase tax revenue to cover the cost. When an immigrant comes to the country they immediately start working and therefore immediately starts paying taxes.

    A lot of it is down to how lopsided the demographics are with an overly high percentage of retired population.

    In economics you can’t solve one problem without creating others. But the problems solved are bigger than the problems created. And housing problems are a temporary problem. As boomers start dying off, the situation will correct itself, housing will be freed up and healthcare costs will decrease.

  • I’m known? Cool!

    See the difference between you and I is that I attribute the actions on October 7 to Hamas, not the Palestinian people. But you see any Israeli doing something wrong you use it to paint everyone in Israel as being that way.

    You can split hairs about whether that’s antisemitism, but I don’t care. When you see one person of an ethnicity and/or religious group doing something wrong and then go on to say “they” do things like that, you’re showing what kind of person you are.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.catoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    11 天前

    That’s basically 90% of every car owner.

    It’s one of those things where people feel like they’re going to take a road trip every weekend, but most people are just using their car to commute to and from work and maybe take one or two longer trips per year. The time saved by not having to stop at a gas station throughout the the year is less than the additional time taken at a fast charging station for the rare road trip.

  • I tend to agree. There’s already too many firearms out there (more guns than people) so it won’t be all that effective in the short term.

    But I think it’s more of a thing that will take generations for there to be a change. And yeah it’s pandering for votes, but it’s also about opening up conversation, which is a step in the direction of a cultural change. A cultural shift away from buying guns for paranoid reasons about protection from “those people” back towards guns being used for hobbies like hunting and target shooting won’t be easy to accomplish. But gotta start somewhere.

  • I see people constantly invoking the Nazis to make excuses for the actions of Hamas. The logic is “Israel is like Nazis therefore everything Hamas does it permissible.” It’s idiotic reasoning but it’s commonplace here.

    This guy is similarly idiotic. If you’re outraged by what this guy is saying, look at the rationalizations people on here do everyday in support of Hamas. It’s the same eye for an eye kind of thinking. “Other side is Nazis, therefore we should do horrible things!”

  • Prominent people in BLM made it clear that they didn’t condone the violence being done by a small group of people.

    The Palestinian protests can’t denounce Hamas, a group that murdered over a thousand people in the most brutal ways imaginable. Which is far beyond some looting that occurred during the BLM protests. While prominent people in BLM denounced the looting, we hear basically nothing about people in Palestinian protests denouncing Hamas.

    Do you really think that looting is the same thing as massacring villages? If so, you may have lost perspective.