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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023


  • Are you talking about the major java/jre repackaging issue, that was announced (proposed update procedure included) on the archlinux news-page, that you are supposed to check before an update?

    If so, then you can’t really blame the distro, if you don’t follow basic best practice guidelines.
    And then you’d also be pretty late to that update and should run updates more frequently. Once a week to at least once a month is a good idea. That’s the idea of a kinda bleeding edge, rolling release distro.

  • Was ist mit der Lesekompetenz der Leute los?

    Der Artikel setzt sich von Anfang an kritisch mit dem Buch auseinander. Natürlich wird wiedergegeben, was die Autorin inhaltlich und sprachlich so von sich gibt, aber schon der erste Absatz schließt mit den Worten “nicht nur das wirft Fragen auf”.

    Das Wort “Gleichschaltung” wird auf den NS-Kontext referenziert, ideologische Vorredner (Götz Kubitschek) werden zur Einordnung der Thesen identifiziert und es wird immer klar markiert, dass es sich bei den kruden Aussagen um Worte der Buchautorin handelt. Die Distanz des Autors ist durchgängig erkennbar.

    Natürlich schafft so ein Artikel immer auch Aufmerksamkeit, und Leute die dem Gedankengut nahe stehen können ungeachtet dessen auf die Idee kommen, dass es sich für sie lohnen könnte das Buch zu kaufen um ihre Meinung bestätigt zu finden. Aber mir ist vollkommen schleierhaft, wie man auf die Idee kommen kann, der Autor des Artikels würde dieses Werk hier irgendwie positiv bewerben.

  • Ok, I’ll do it again:

    Here’s the thing. You can probably get away with calling such black birds “Krähe” if you’re talking to people with no further knownedge about the birdie-birds. As soon as people know a little more than that, they will find that a bit odd. If you call a Raven/Kolkrabe/Corvus corax a ‘Krähe’, that will be a bit weird. Those are considerably larger and overall more majestic creatures, so calling them crows, just doesn’t cut it. But they are also more rare and avoid human settlements more than crows. The three usual crow species in Germany on the other hand are all basically the same size, and sometimes hard to tell apart. They all carry the term ‘crow’ in their colloquial German name.

    They are:

    1. Aaskrähe/Carrion Crow/Corvus corone Also called Rabenkrähe, just to add to the confusion. A medium sized, all black bird with a fairly strong beak.

    2. Nebelkrähe/Hooded Crow/Corvus cornix Almost identical to Corvus corone, but easily distinguished, by it’s gray coat, instead of their pure black feathers.

    3. Saatkrähe/Rook/Corvus frugilegus Also completely black, except for the base of the beak and the featherless area around the beak. Younger birds don’t have that though and look almost identical to Corvus corone.

    All three of those have sucessfully adapted to live close to humans and can often be found even in big cities.

    (I’ll deliberately exclude the Alpenkrähe/Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax here, because it only lives in a small and remote region, though that one actually has a red/orange beak)

    Then there’s the Dohle/Jackdaw/Corvus monedula. That is a bit smaller than the crows, also has some more grayish areas (though usually a darker gray than Corvus cornix). As it completely lacks the “Krähe” part in its German name, people might also find it weird to call it Krähe.

    So you see, even though they all belong to the genus ‘Corvus’, not all members of that genus are typically called crows. On the other hand, the above mentioned Alpenkrähe/Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax carries the “krähe” in its name, even though it’s a whole different genus, and funnily enough there also exists the Alpendohle/Pyrrhocorax graculus (yellow beak) in the same genus but suddenly borrowing the -dohle part in its name. They are still part of the familiy of corvids (scientific name Corvidae) but that family also includes birds that are never called crows like the Elster/magpie/Pica pica or the Eichelhäher/Eurasian jay/Garrulus glandarius and also very colorful species in different parts of the world (especially tropics).

    That should suffice to show, that there’s no good consistency between the colloquial naming and scientific taxonomy. Not surprising at all, considering how colloquial language has evolved way before scientific classification and doesn’t really have a need to be as precise, scientific classification has also been subject to change as new methods gave us a better understanding.

    All that being said, I won’t fault you, if you consider jackdaws to be ‘basically crows’, just be prepared to be corrected by bird nerds. (Including myself, although I’m just an amateur with a particular fondness for birds that are ‘basically crows’)

  • Yep definitely a jackdaw.

    The whole schtick about ‘counts as a raven’ is a bit whack, because those terms aren’t really hardcore defined. Those are colloquial terms and depending on where you are in the world and who you’re talking to, colloquial terms may refer to different species altogether. And when you put different languages into the mix, seemingly equivalent terms may suddenly agglomerate different species.

    When you say raven, I as a European, think of the rather huge Corvus corax. But there are other big corvids in other parts of the world, that may qualify for the word. When I say the equivalent word for raven or crow in my native language (German), it very much depends on the bird knowledge of the person I’m talking to, whether they understand this to mean a specific species or just a general term for all black birds of the Corvidae family. Then some people distinguish ravens and crows, even tough there are 3 species that would qualify as a crow, one of which would be called a rook in English.

    That’s why scientific names are useful. That being said: you’ve got a beautiful picture of a jackdaw there. (Corvus monedula)

    Edit: Crap. I just now read the comment thread about “Here’s the thing” and feel like I just played into that. Gotta read up about that now.

  • McCartney and Swift ‘exploit’ tons of people as well. They might flagship their music artist operation themselves and kind of ‘be’ the product (or rather the brand), but there are lots and lots of people involved to make tours and shows possible, recording, production and especially distribution of music and merch involves labour as well.

    In addition to that: I don’t think they store all that money on a nice little heap in their backyard. It usually gets invested into some sorts of corporations, be it through the stock market, where it will accrue revenue, that comes as the result of more exploitation.

    That being said: the term ‘exploitation’ carries a much more negative connotation than would be beneficial for the conversation. It’s concept of marxist economics, and the term ‘Ausbeutung’ = exploitation was used by Marx himself to describe how capitalists benefit from the surplus that workers produce. I like the term ‘reaping the surplus’ better because it doesn’t carry as much of a negative connotation. The criticism of capitalism shouldn’t barely rely on the fact that surplus is being taken away from the workers, but from the consequences to society and the political system that inevitably follow when that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a minority.

  • You’re missing the point. The risk might not be very high on average, but if they don’t want to end up on the streets, regular people still have to kind of function inside the system somehow and continuously work for regular income. The will to survive is part of what drives them to do so.

    Billionaires on the other hand, wouldn’t even have to lift a finger to be able to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. On the contrary, they’d have to try really hard to get rid of all that wealth. Major fuck-ps and intentional money burning excluded, the chance that they end up having trouble getting their basic needs fulfilled is miniscule. THAT is the difference.