Lol, I’m just plain amazed at how fast some people can type. I am touch typing, but I guess I just got slow fingers!
That said, I got 34 wpm and 95% accuracy, which is in line with me using a qwerty or Dvorak physical keyboard. I ain’t no Speedy Gonzalez.
I just tried it with my swipe keyboard and the website didn’t like it at all. It was double entering words randomly when I would otherwise type fine.
I really can’t see anything other than the stock price tanking immediately at the IPO. These people are getting in on the top floor.
You need to use your protests as recruiting grounds for more direct pressure on your government. You should establish or join a lobbying organization and recruit volunteers. You will have these people write letters to the editor, solicit for donations, call and write to your representatives, and schedule in-person meetings with government officials.
Standing on the street and yelling by itself is not enough, you need to become a part of the establishment to affect change, but you can grow your organization by finding people who have proven to be motivated. A protest is a great place for that sort of thing.
Thanks for proving fixed links to the both of you!