The Energy of the .45-70 is 3867 J. For comparison: 9 × 19 mm NATO, used in guns, has 481 J, 5.56 × 45 mm NATO and 7.62 × 51 mm NATO, both used in rifles, have 1800 J and ~ 3600 J, respectively.
The Energy of the .45-70 is 3867 J. For comparison: 9 × 19 mm NATO, used in guns, has 481 J, 5.56 × 45 mm NATO and 7.62 × 51 mm NATO, both used in rifles, have 1800 J and ~ 3600 J, respectively.
Yes, I just checked again (~ 21:25), they claim to place one stone every 20 s which is supposedly three times faster than the ancient egyptians did. However, they did not place one stone at a time, but several at different positions.
Estimated for 20 year construction time: 2.6 million stones/(20 y × 365 d/y × 12 h/d) = 30 stones/h
Some claim it possibly took only 10 to 15 years.
25 years ago (I hope this is sufficiently close to today) in Quarks & Co, a German TV science format, they analysed what it would take to build the Cheops pyramid in Cologne. It would take 10 month for the concrete foundation and 5 years for the lower two third of the pyramid. Use of modern technology makes it possible to place one stone every 20 seconds, which is triple the rate ancient egypt workers supposedly aceived. So I guess it would take 6-7 years in total.
Bekanntermaßen ist richtiges Einparken unglaublich banal.
Genug Internet mit seltsamen und verstörenden Nachrichten. Also ein Grund den Computer zurücksetzen und irgendwas Anderes zu tun.
Genug für heute?
Frei nach Max Liebermann: “Ick kann janich so viel fressen, wie ick kotzen möchte!”
Access to “real time” kernel which is useful for drones etc.
I know of at least one case in Sweden or Danmark.
Edit: It was the murder of Kim Wall and officially it took place in Danmark.
Most people die in hospitals. – Avoid hospitals if you value your life. /s
Usually the water that will become tap water is also not pumped directly from the river but is bank filtrate from nearby underground.
Interesting that this map also specifies who was the victim.
And for the other side of the border vå or map of shootings.
Die Bestrebungen zur Ausweisung von Nationalparks werden oft von Anti-Windkraft-Initiativen getrieben, die gegen die böse böse “Verspargelung der Landschaft” vorgehen wollen.
Schön, dass diesmal die richtige Person abgestimmt hat, bei unserem deutschen Landwirtschaftsminister war das ja seinerzeit nicht so.
Bei chemischem Sonnenschutz, also dem wo man nicht nach dem Eincremen wie ein Clown aussieht, verändern sich die Wirkstoffe mit der Zeit und können (wie Andere bereits erwähnt haben) gesundheitsschädliche Stoffe bilden.
Wenn man aus den Hieroglyphen auf der Packung schlau wird steht auch drauf, wann das Produkt hergestellt wurde (Fabrik-Symbol), wie lange es ungeöffnet haltbar ist (Eieruhr) und wie lange es nach dem Öffnen verwendet werden sollte (geöffnete Dose). Wenn man vergesslich ist, schreibt man am Besten mit einem Permanentmarker den Monat drauf, wann man die Flasche geöffnet hat.
The moron is obviously on the other end of the leash.
Reading the other reply, I guess it’s about ‘payment’ for taking a hitch hiker. As fuel became expensive now, the driver can no longer afford the other two options in exchange.
Yes, this works. However, you can not (or should not if you possibly could?) modify data on partitions mounted by the hibernating OS. If E.g.Windows and Linux are installed and Windows is hibernating, the NTFS partitions can only be mounted read-only under Linux.