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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • A facemask is a visible sign of casual compassion. It’s a sign that you aren’t going to let your own poor situation make anyone else’s life harder, and don’t want anyone to suffer needlessly. There are some people who don’t care about others, but they also don’t want to appear cruel, so their only recourse is to tear apart symbols of kindness and claim themselves superior for being “smarter” or “more honest”.

    That’s my understanding of the “stigma”, but I can’t judge everyone.

  • Would is a hypothetical will. “Would you dance” is a general query, but “will you dance” is a call to action. A lot of the time, would is followed by if, as in, “would you dance if I asked you to?”

    “Would you like coffee” is a round-about way to ask if you want coffee. Full form would be “if I brought you coffee, would you like it?”

    Past tense is “would have”, such as “would you have liked coffee?” This is generally a missed opportinuty where you didn’t do something, and you’re asking so you can know more for the future. Saying “I would have” generally means “I didn’t.”

  • First, the appeal of Superman is his heart more than his strength. There’s one comic where he fights a giant robot and stops a runaway train, but the scene everyone remembers is when he talked someone down from the edge of a building.

    Second, Superman may be invincible, but Lois Lane isn’t. It’s easy to defeat a villain, but much harder to defeat them while also keeping Lois safe. And she actively invites danger, so it’s always tricky keeping her safe.

    Third, not every problem can be punched. Luthor’s greatest weapon against Superman isn’t kryptonite; it’s Public Relations. You can punch a monster, but that won’t help you stop a smear campaign.