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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023

  • I have many citizenships, one specifically for banking. They look at your birthplace but really it’s your passport. They are required to report US citizens, which are passport holders (because you’re outside the US). Having a second passport or third or whatever, doesn’t bring it up. You must falsely claim you are not an American in friendly countries and then you’re fine. They are very aware of renunciation and don’t require proof. The proof of a secondary passport as your primary is all that’s needed. For example you entered the country on your other passport, that’s where your visa is tied to etc.

    The other way with unfriendly countries is even easier. For example if you open a TBank account in Russia, it takes about a day online and they courier you your debit card and bank documents to your hotel. So it requires 2 days in Russia. Even as a US citizen, on a US passport, they do not comply with FACTA. Your accounts and transactions will never be sent to the USA.

    You as an American must still report those assets on your taxes. So again, choose whether you want privacy or being a “white collar criminal”

  • Here’s the thing. It’s every bank that is on the SWIFT network because the US is a terroristic state when it comes to financial spying, sorry “transparency”.

    Demanding KYC and reporting all your transactions via SARs is the standard thing for all banks. The only ones that get away with not having to do it are the manipulative criminals who schmooze there way in with tellers and do transactions that way. But that’s also stopping with the crackdown at large.

    I keep accounts in the US, but I have moved as much as I can out. If you’re in the position where you’ve got high 5 figures or more it may be worth it to setup accounts outside the USA in countries that are hostile to the US banking system. If you are in the position where you can drop $250k on a new citizenship, then get it. Then open accounts under that passport in countries that don’t comply with the US.

    Otherwise, you’re screwed. This is why crypto and BRICs are a big thing.

  • People on Lemmy seem more tribal than even reddit. You must be “for” or “against” something, black and white.

    For example if tomorrow every house in Canada and the USA stopped using natural gas, like the supply just stops and electric equivalents are installed, emmisions would go UP.

    A 100k BTU furnace is about 29kwh. My old high efficiency furnace was 96%. The crappy ones are usually 80% efficient. Assuming 80% efficiency, the worst sold is installed everywhere then you need 23kwh per hour.

    If the energy source is coal, your electric furnace produces 50.6 CO2e. 22.3 CO2e if the source is natural gas itself (natural gas plant making electricity for you to make heat). If it’s an average USA KWh of 0.86 CO2e/kWh, then that’s 19.5. And it’s 11.7 CO2e if you just burn it for heat in your house.

    For some areas in Canada, like BC, the electricity is cheap, renewable, and awesome. In that case it’s almost 2x better to run electric heat than the 80% natural gas furnace. But not everywhere is BC.

    And that’s part of the point. You have to look at the whole picture. There’s really no reason to not run a natural gas line to a new residential property. It’s a high pressure pipe connecting everyone’s house. Maybe in the future that’s where the organic smell-o-vision inlet comes in for our holodecks. All the power and heat being electric, but saving individual deliveries of thousands of compounds to every house versus one. Repurposing utility scale infrastructure is common. You don’t have to know what the need is today. But knowing how ridiculously expensive it is to install later should be all the warning people need.

  • Which is not physically possible as most modern life relies on things that are not renewable.

    The little that is done to reduce on a personal scale is meaningless compared to what is needed to be done globally and by industry.

    Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do your part. But it’s stupid to believe any of it will help at all. At best it causes discourse for no reason. At worst, you’re being played as a fool by large corporations to put off actual change longer and longer.

    And just because it seems Lemmy can’t seem to understand not everything is binary, I have had 10KW of solar for 15 years. I have had hybrid cars for 20 years. I’ve had pure electric cars for 13 years. I am one of the few that have installed heat pumps. I also have electric (solar) powered radiant water heating because water is a good energy store. I do way more than your average person. But I’m not stupid enough to think “0 emmisions” is possible. And nobody after a 5 minute google shouldn’t understand commercial and industrial energy usage versus residential usage.

  • Natural gas heating is very efficient and huge BTUs for low cost. When you live where it actually gets cold, it’s important. As is heating water. Cooking at restaurants also important.

    Not everything is binary. We don’t need 100% renewables and 0% gas and 0% plastic and 0% ICE vehicles. Renewable energy is 68% in Canada or 20% in the USA in terms of energy production. Getting those USA numbers to 50% or both to 80% is more important.

    FYI, in the USA natural gas is about 32% of the USA’s energy use. 15% of natural gas is used by residences. That’s 4.8% of the power. Which means this entire debate goes out the window if you just installed 5% more solar or wind energy.

    Making people fight and become tribal over trivial things that mean nothing is an easy way to prevent anything from happening. Idiots are fighting over trying to reduce 4.8% of energy that is perfectly fine at what it’s doing. Meanwhile the natural gas companies are happy to keep supplying the remaining 27% of the USAs entire power via gas, and not a damn thing is being done. Use your energy to get that 27% down to 22% and you’ve done better than you ever will with demanding residences be built with shitty alternatives.

  • I like the idea of Reddit and it works much better than Lemmy. But the moderation and AI scraping make it a no-go site for me anymore which is a shame.

    I love internet forums and have been a mod at some and very high poster at other. But the snowball effect gets them. If there’s no traffic, there’s no posts, so there’s no traffic. You need to have a good community to make it work. One area reddit really shines, small communities exist on a huge platform. Great idea before the enshittification.

    I hate discord and the fact that anyone replaces customer support or fan support pages with it, is just fundamentally broken. The idea of a forum is that the question is asked and archived. 20 years later someone else googles the question and sees the answer and all the replies that lead up to it. That’s what forums are for. In discord you ask a question and 30 seconds later it’s gone forever eaten by useless drivel. Never to be searched or found again. Idiotic.

  • You missed the point entirely as expected. Americans obviously cannot think critically.

    Nobody said Elon is the engineer behind all his successes. Those that do, are easily proven wrong and if they want to throw all their money away, let them.

    The US let’s people gamble. Go $100k in debt to study Mesopotamian pottery making and then become a barista. All the normal people with pensions that lose everything in restructuring like GM or many of the airlines, etc prove the US doesn’t care most of the time. They pick and choose when to be burdens. The US government bailed out banks, car companies, and lots of other industries at a tax loss. But the people of say Enron, got nothing. The victims of Bernie Madoff, got (almost) nothing.

    If you invested with Madoff, and lost everything, why don’t you get money back too? He wasn’t crazy. He was backed by 2 independent US credit and backing and auditing agencies. The SEC was paid off to not look at things with him and many of the frauds that led to the 2008 collapse. Elon, you know is crazy. If you don’t know he’s crazy, that’s a personal problem.

    The US also doesn’t require a cognitive test of any kind to invest all your life savings into something. If you want to sell everything and buy Trump Steaks with Bible verses on them, nobody will stop you. That’s freedumb.

  • The difference is that all GOP candidates previously knew, or had a cabinet that knew, it was a terrible awful thing to do for the country. It would NEVER pass. But it could be campaigned on. Just like repealing abortion… See how that worked?

    The party of Trump is not the GOP of old. These are idiots that can and do actually get things done. Mostly because they do it all wrong and haphazardly. But it doesn’t matter because the action takes effect immediately and the remedy takes years to work through a judicial system.

    Too many American democrats don’t understand they aren’t even playing the same game. Bringing a spatula to a gun fight.

  • Please tell me again how the US is land of the free, and only China controls who’s allowed to run businesses?

    Elon isn’t my patron saint, but from a business perspective he’s batshit crazy enough to actually disrupt markets. That’s the whole point of the USA right now isn’t it?!

    Some are collasal failures and others are immense successes. Just let the dude be crazy and innovate. Nobody is forcing you to buy Tesla stock. If there was a company that had a baboon as the CFO and every time it pressed a button the company would just light $1m on fire, and you know this because it’s one of the world’s most famous baboons, and you choose to give this company your money, why am I supposed to feel bad when the baboon presses the button? But when it doesn’t light money on fire and instead creates a lot of money, that’s ok. Shareholders get to keep 100% of that fake profit. But everyone gets to subsidize when the shareholders lose money.

    Let idiots be idiots. It’s the free market.

  • So stop being so damn bad at modern politics.

    Trying to maintain the high ground doesn’t work on a stupid electorate that doesn’t even know how the system functions. Heck, most Americans couldn’t even name how many branches of government or what they were. Most cannot name how many amendments, or what they even are apart from the 2nd. They are idiots, brainwashed with propaganda.

    When the strongman takes over and does things, they will have no idea it isn’t the status quo. When the Dems play nice, they do know things don’t get done. They don’t know why because they aren’t listening to MSNBC and they aren’t listening to white house briefings.

    The Dems are losing the propaganda war completely.

  • Yes he can. But what you have now is a game of political chicken. One of the few gentleman’s handshakes that still exist is just the justices the US has. Since 1869, it’s been 9 of them. But in the past there were as few as 5 and as many as 10.

    There is no law that says you can’t have 17. Biden could literally appoint 8 more democratic life appointed judges if they got through the confirmation process.

    But then the day Trump or the next republican is elected, they can just appoint N-1, 16, republicans… Then when it flips again, 32 more democrats… It would never end. The court would be proven to be political, even though that facade is crumbling with the ignorant American masses finally.